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AABI Town Hall Meeting Employer Comments on USAAP Lacey Pittman Assistant Chief Pilot Horizon Air February 15, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "AABI Town Hall Meeting Employer Comments on USAAP Lacey Pittman Assistant Chief Pilot Horizon Air February 15, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 AABI Town Hall Meeting Employer Comments on USAAP Lacey Pittman Assistant Chief Pilot Horizon Air February 15, 2012

2 AAG Pilot Hiring Road Map Alaska Air Group Objective: Conduct a joint AAG effort to ensure a sufficient supply of qualified First Officers for Horizon and Alaska through 2018. 1. Forecast Hiring Needs 2. Anticipate Supply of Pilots 3. Develop a Strategy to Attract and Retain

3 AAG Pilot Hiring Road Map Forecast Hiring Needs Current assumptions through 2018: Forecasted Hires: 877 Fleet Growth: 48 Current annual attrition: 1.5% Number of pilots turning age 65: 248 Utilization: 11 pilots per aircraft Source: FP&A, Flight Ops Controller. Growth and attrition information is forward thinking and numbers could significantly increase or decrease

4 AAG Pilot Hiring Road Map Forecast Hiring Needs Current assumptions through 2013: Forecasted Hires: 460 Fleet Growth: 10 Q400 aircraft options Annual attrition: 17.03% Number of pilots turning age 65: 9 Utilization: 10 pilots per aircraft Source: QX Finance &Flight Ops Controller. Growth and attrition information is forward thinking and numbers could significantly increase or decrease

5 AAG Pilot Hiring Road Map Anticipate Supply of Pilots UND Projects >10,000 New Pilots per Year

6 AAG Pilot Hiring Road Map Anticipate Supply of Pilots UND Projects Pilot Shortfall >2000 Pilots per Year

7 AAG University Program Develop a Strategy to Attract and Retain A company with its own program ensures the following: controls company cost by limiting number of training students in Initial program control over who is hired and applicant pool steady stream of pilots to it’s own company best graduates do not get hired somewhere else company can control time commitment to airline

8 AAG University Program Develop a Strategy to Attract and Retain


10 AAG Pilot Hiring Road Map USAAP Pros: Affordable for the student Shared investment for all National solution to national problem

11 AAG Pilot Hiring Road Map USAAP Cons: The program does not require time commitments at 121 carriers who invest heavily in Initial students. The program almost encourages movement towards a major as quickly as possible. This is negative for regional airlines who need to earn back the initial investment of training. There is no bridge from Commercial to 1500 hours. Eats the seed corn of the universities. Does not encourage the value of instruction time. Does not ensure a steady stream of USAAP pilots to a given regional. No ownership on part of students Do not have to identify airline for which to train Government will dictate the process Increased government bureaucracy in AAG’s hiring strategy

12 AAG Pilot Hiring Road Map Questions for USAAP: AAG objective is to attract and retain qualified pilots. What is to retain a USAAP pilot? Why would a student stay at a regional? Regional airlines want to limit the number of Initial training cycles for new hires. Where is the time commitment piece for staying at a regional? What is to prevent a candidate from being hired at a participating regional then leaving after 6 months for a participating major? Would the student identify a carrier at the beginning of the program they are targeting? At what point does the airline get involved in the process? Marketing, brand recognition, etc. How will a student bridge the gap from the program’s commercial certificate (no-ATP) to 1500 hours? Even if a credit is given for AABI institutions? Where is the give-back to the universities? Contract to instruct, time commitment, etc. How does a participating regional airline ensure a steady stream of USAAP pilots? Especially if the regional has a long upgrade time, no jets, etc.

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