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Consideration of Contractor Targeted Statewide Waste Characterization Studies CIWMB Board Meeting May 11-12, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Consideration of Contractor Targeted Statewide Waste Characterization Studies CIWMB Board Meeting May 11-12, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Consideration of Contractor Targeted Statewide Waste Characterization Studies CIWMB Board Meeting May 11-12, 2004

2 Material Classes in the Overall Disposed Waste Stream, 1999

3 Background Strategic Plan calls for waste characterization study every 4 years First statewide study done in 1999 Budget Change Proposal (BCP) for large new study was developed for 2002-2003 Fiscal Year (FY) but did not go forward Contract Concept for smaller statewide study approved Fall 2002 – study is now under way Updated BCP for larger study approved for 2003- 2004 FY - $990,000 available

4 Contract Process and Timeline February 2004 Board Meeting – Board approved Scope of Work Request for Proposals issued March 1, 2004 Proposals received April 16, 2004 Staff evaluated proposals April 20 – 27, 2004 Proposal from Cascadia Consulting Group received the highest score

5 Scope of Work Approach: target specific generators and sources of waste for study 4 areas selected for study –commercial sector generators –MRF residuals –Construction and demolition waste –Commercial self-haul

6 Overall Design Focus on major metropolitan areas Coordinate field work for all 4 parts – sampling locations, schedules Data collected for 2 seasons Field work conducted in 2005, data analysis and study report complete by June 2006

7 Target 1: Commercial Generators Method similar to one used in 1999 study New approach: –Target most important generators only –Collect disposal composition and diversion data –Design new generator groups as needed Data will update and expand waste characterization web database for use by local governments

8 Target 2: Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) Residuals Quantify and characterize residuals from Materials Recovery Facilities and Solid Waste Processing Facilities (clean and dirty MRFs) Develop listing and survey major MRFs Classify into sampling groups Field sampling and sorting of residuals for each group

9 Target 3: Construction & Demolition Waste Develop reliable volume-to-weight conversion factors for detailed C&D material types Develop visual characterization method for CIWMB and local government use Use new method to characterize C&D waste Characterize 5 sources of C&D waste

10 Target 4: Commercial Self-Haul “Other commercial” (non-C&D) self-haul “Drop box” containers provided by haulers (non-C&D) Characterization of materials Identify sources and activities generating the waste Survey materials recovered from loads

11 Staff Recommendation Approve the award of the contract for Targeted Waste Characterization Studies to Cascadia Consulting Group, and adopt Resolution # 2004-144.

12 Questions?


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