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Quantum Computing and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Jonathan Jones EPS-12, Budapest, August 29 2002 Oxford Centre for Quantum Computation

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1 Quantum Computing and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Jonathan Jones EPS-12, Budapest, August 29 2002 Oxford Centre for Quantum Computation

2 Outline l What is quantum computing? l How to do quantum computing with NMR l What has been done? l What are we trying to do? l How far can we go? l J. A. Jones, PhysChemComm 11 (2001) l J. A. Jones, Prog. NMR Spectrosc. 38, 325 (2001)

3 Qubits & quantum registers 0 or 1 Classical Bit 0 or 1 or 0 1 Quantum Bit Classical register 101 Quantum register 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111

4 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 F(000) F(001) F(010) F(011) F(100) F(101) F(110) F(111) F (x) Quantum Processor Quantum logic gates INPUT OUTPUT Quantum parallel processing

5 What could we do with one? l Easy to do the calculations, but hard to get the answers out from the resulting superposition! l Simulate quantum mechanics l Factor numbers: Shor’s algorithm »The end of public key cryptography? »Generalises to the Abelian Hidden Subgroup problem l Speed up searches: Grover’s algorithm l QC is not the answer to everything!

6 How might we build one? l To build a quantum computer you need l quantum two level systems (qubits), l interacting strongly with one another, l isolated from the environment, but l accessible for read out of answers etc. l See Fortschritte der Physik 48, 767-1138 (2000) »Scalable Quantum Computers - Paving the Way to Realization, S. L. Braunstein and H.-K. Lo

7 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance l Conventional liquid state NMR systems (common in chemistry and biochemistry labs) l Use two spin states of spin-1/2 nuclei ( 1 H, 13 C, 15 N, 19 F, 31 P) as a qubit l Address and observe them with RF radiation l Nuclei communicate by J couplings l Conventional multi-pulse NMR techniques allow gates to be implemented l Actually have a hot thermal ensemble of computers

8 NMR experiments

9 NMR Hamiltonians l Usually written using “product operators”. For two coupled spins l Can apply RF pulses, with good control of amplitude, frequency and phase. Normally work in a frame rotating at the RF frequency. For a single spin

10 Typical frequencies (14.4T) l For a 1 H nucleus (magnets are usually described by their 1H NMR frequency) l For a 13 C nucleus l For a 19 F nucleus l J couplings lie in the range of 1Hz–1kHz

11 Single Qubit Rotations l Single spin rotations are implemented using resonant RF pulses l Different spins have different resonance frequencies and so can be selectively addressed l Frequency space can become quite crowded, especially for 1 H (other nuclei are much better)

12 Controlled- NOT ( CNOT ) gates l The controlled-NOT gate flips the target bit (T) if the control bit (C) is set to 1 C T C T C = C T = T  C (Exclusive- OR ) C0011C0011 T0101T0101 C´ 0 1 T´ 0 1 0

13 CNOT and SPI (1973) Selective Population Inversion: a 180° pulse applied to one line in a doublet is essentially equivalent to CNOT 180°

14 Hamiltonian Sculpting l Combine periods of evolution under the background Hamiltonian with periods when various RF pulses are also applied l The Average Hamiltonian over the entire pulse sequence can be manipulated l In general terms can be scaled down or removed at will, and desired forms can be implemented l Highly developed NMR technique l Ultimately equivalent to building circuits out of gates

15 The spin echo l Most NMR pulse sequences are built around spin echoes which refocus Zeeman interactions l Often thought to be unique to NMR, but in fact an entirely general quantum property l Interaction refocused up to a global phase

16 CNOT and INEPT (1979) The CNOT propagator can be expanded as a sequence of pulses and delays using a standard NMR approach… … to give a pulse sequence very similar to an INEPT coherence transfer experiment

17 Example results

18 Molecules and algorithms l A wide range of molecules have been used with 1 H, 13 C, 15 N, 19 F and 31 P nuclei l A wide range of quantum algorithms have been implemented l Some basic quantum phenomena have been demonstrated

19 State of the art l Shor’s quantum factoring algorithm to factor 15 Nature 414, 883 (2001)

20 The initialisation problem l Conventional QCs use single quantum systems which start in a well defined state l NMR QCs use an ensemble of molecules which start in a hot thermal state l Can create a “pseudo-pure” initial state from the thermal state: exponentially inefficient l Better approach: use para-hydrogen!

21 Two spin system l A homonuclear system of two spin 1/2 nuclei: four energy levels with nearly equal populations Equalise the populations of the upper states leaving a small excess in the lowest level

22 Two spin system l A homonuclear system of two spin 1/2 nuclei: four energy levels with nearly equal populations Equalise the populations of the upper states leaving a small excess in the lowest level A “pseudo-pure” state Excess population is exponentially small

23 para-hydrogen l The rotational and nuclear spin states of H 2 molecules are inextricably connected by the Pauli principle l Cooling to the J=0 state would give pure para- hydrogen with a singlet spin state l Cooling below 150K in the presence of an ortho/para catalyst gives significant enhancement of the para population l Enhancement is retained on warming if the ortho/para catalyst is removed

24 Using para-hydrogen l para-hydrogen has a pure singlet nuclear spin state Can’t do computing with this directly because the H 2 molecule is too symmetric: we need to break the symmetry so that we can address the two nuclei individually

25 Vaska’s catalyst l Add the p-H 2 to some other molecule, e.g. Vaska’s catalyst Ir PPh 3 OCOCCl + H—H Ir PPh 3 COCO Cl H H The two 1 H nuclei now have different chemical shifts and so can be separately addressed

26 Tackling systematic errors l Quantum computers are vulnerable to errors l Random errors can be tackled using advanced forms of error correcting codes l Systematic errors can be tackled using various approaches for robust coherent control l The traditional NMR approach (composite pulses) has already proved productive

27 Tycko composite 90 sequence l Tycko’s composite 90° pulse 385 0 ·320 180 ·25 0 gives good compensation for small off- resonance errors l Works well for any initial state, not just for z l Now generalised to arbitrary angles l New J. Phys. 2.6 (2000)

28 Pulse length errors l The composite 90° pulse 115 62 ·180 281 ·115 62 corrects for pulse length errors l Works well for any initial state, not just z l Generalises to arbitrary angles l More complex sequences give even better results l quant-ph/0208092

29 How far can we go with NMR? l NMR QCs with 2–3 qubits are routine l Experiments have been performed with up to 7 qubits; 10 qubits is in sight l Beyond 10 qubits it will get very tricky! »Exponentially small signal size »Selective excitation in a crowded frequency space »Decoherence (relaxation) »Lack of selective reinitialisation »Lack of projective measurements »Fortschritte der Physik 48, 909-924 (2000)

30 Thanks to…

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