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The Proof 1 The business case for newspaper advertising as part of the media mix.

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1 The Proof 1 The business case for newspaper advertising as part of the media mix

2 2 This is the second time we’ve worked in partnership with the NMA using CrossMedia™ to assess our campaigns. The findings clearly show the long-term benefits of brand advertising in national newspapers and demonstrate the valuable role newspapers can play in integrated multi- media campaigns. Ian Robinson Senior Campaign Manager, E.ON CrossMedia™ findings from the first study helped us clarify the role of each channel, enabling us to maximise the impact of the campaign. This second set of results confirmed the positive impact newspapers have on an integrated multichannel campaign. Matt Weller Manager, MediaCom E.on The client’s view

3 3 Newspapers continue to play a pivotal role in E.ON’s Energy Fit campaign, proving their ability to build brands long-term Previously, in case study 1 Autumn 2009 Newspapers are the lead medium, boosting awareness, engagement and purchase intent. Especially among opinion formers. Summer 2010 Newspapers’ ROI proven. They deliver significant, cost-effective brand health shifts – both in their own right and via synergies with TV. In this second case study… Autumn/Winter 2010 During an extreme winter, when fuel costs and price rises are top of mind with householders, national newspapers continue to make a significant brand-building contribution. The most cost-efficient medium for brand-building among customers. More cost-efficient than TV, outdoor and online for brand-building among non-customers. E.on Headline results

4 4 E.on Headline results Newspapers were the strongest and most cost-effective medium for driving E.ON customer retention measures Newspapers accounted for 15% of spend and delivered… 45% of uplift in customer recommendation 32% of uplift in customer future consideration

5 5 E.on Headline results Newspapers played a multi-faceted role in the drive to recruit non-customers Among non-customers, newspapers accounted for…

6 6 E.on Winter 2010 creative work Newspaper & magazine creative

7 7 E.on Winter 2010 creative work TV creative Outdoor/transport creative Digital newspaper creative

8 8 E.on Creative work Strong creative impact leads to high recognition Long copyMice Any newspaper ad 38 Millward Brown print norm (326 Ads) 46 20 58 Newspaper ad recognition % recognising

9 The Findings 9 Brand response

10 10 E.on Newspapers drive customer loyalty measures harder than any other medium % of total campaign effect accounted for by medium Customer consideration/recommendation Note: Outdoor/Transport = 22% of spend but no uplift % Newspapers Magazines TV Radio Online

11 E.on Newspapers drive E.ON customer loyalty measures harder than any other medium 11 Share of spend Outdoor: no effect % Share of uplift in customer consideration/recommendation % Newspapers Magazines TV Radio Outdoor Newspapers Magazines TV Radio Online

12 12 E.on Newspapers’ impact 2 ½ times greater than share of ad spend Share of spend % Share of campaign effect E.ON customers % Newspapers

13 13 E.on Newspapers also encourage increased recommendation Share of spend* *Digital newspapers excluded as reach too low % Share of uplift in “definitely recommend” Ford % Newspapers TV Radio Outdoor Newspapers TV Radio Outdoor

14 14 E.on Newspapers are the cheapest medium for driving customer measures NewspapersMagazines Radio £0.585 Online Cost of 1% uplift across E.ON customer retention measures £m NB Transport/outdoor spend was £1.08m but ROI not calculated as no effect on key measures due to timing/creative £0.770 £1.305 £1.924 £2.039 TV

15 15 E.on Newspapers deliver big effects at low cost Cost efficiency versus uplift E.ON customers Cost of 1% uplift Size of uplift 0 Newspapers TV Radio Online Magazines Note: Outdoor/transport = no uplift

16 16 E.on All media contributed in some way to build brand health uplifts among non-customers Contribution to change in key measures that drive recruitment Non -customers Influence strength TVNewspapers Online (inc NP) RadioMagazines Recommendation 17% Consideration 10% Helping customers 15% Awareness - --- Corporate vision 21% -

17 17 E.on Newspapers more cost-effective than TV among non-customers NewspapersMagazines Radio £0.107 Online Cost of 1% uplift across E.ON brand measures Non-customers £000s £0.683 £1.530 £2.224 £5.572 TV Caution low spend

18 18 E.on Newspaper ads engage readers powerfully Newspaper involvement diagnostics MB UK Norm Mice ads Long copy ads

19 19 E.on Newspapers create strong emotional identification with E.ON especially with Mice ads Advertising measures – Emotional connection Helps me connect and identify more strongly Top 2 Box %* *Agree strongly/slightly Newspaper Long copy ad TV Newspaper Mice ads TV + any NP 53 81 73

20 20 E.on Emotional response builds with exposure to multiple executions Advertising measures – Emotional connection Helps me connect and identify more strongly Top 2 Box %* 1 Newspaper ad 56 76 83 2 Newspaper ads3 Newspaper ads

21 21 E.on Long copy ads prompt re-appraisal Advertising measures – Re-appraisal Surprising and gets me to think differently Top 2 Box % Newspaper Long copy ad TV Newspaper Mice ads TV + any NP 47 60 71 77

22 22 E.on Newspapers prompt high call to action Advertising measures – Call to action Gives me a reason to go out and choose Top 2 Box % Newspaper Long copy ad TV Newspaper Mice ads TV + any NP 38 57 71 66

23 23 E.on Call to action builds with exposure to multiple executions Advertising measures – Call to action Gives me a reason to go out and choose Top 2 Box % 1 Newspaper ad 50 70 76 2 Newspaper ads3 Newspaper ads

24 24 E.on The media rationale

25 25 E.on E.ON built on success of summer 2010 campaign Newspapers share of spend % Newspapers share of campaign effect E.ON customers % Newspapers

26 26 E.on Newspapers deliver mass reach and complement TV’s viewing profile Newspaper audience delivery indexed against commercial TV Source : BARB Jan – Jun 2011 / NRS Jan – Jun 2011 AB Men 16-24 C1 125 114 190 115 152 London TV Profile %42.410.314.224.016.3 NPs Profile %53.011.727.027.524.8

27 27 E.on Test detail

28 28 To quantify the effects of individual communications channels in a multi- media campaign for the E.ON brand. To establish the efficiency of each medium in building brand measures – what is the return on investment? To understand the longer-term brand building role for newspapers E.on Test Objectives

29 29 E.on Test detail Media Plan Oct 10Nov 10Dec 10£m Media Target audience: ABC1C2 Families Newspapers0.7 TV1.6 Radio0.6 Outdoor inc. Transport1.1 Online (inc. NP)0.8 Magazines0.1 Research Dates Millward Brown CrossMedia™ Sample: 2000 decision makers about energy suppliers, ABC1C2 families. Media Source: NMR/BARB/NRS Source : BARB Jul - Dec 2010/ NRS Jul – Dec 2010 426 GRPs 929 TVRs During/PostPre 940 TVRs 91 GRPs

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