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GEtServices Purchasing Units & Materials Training For Suppliers Request.

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Presentation on theme: "GEtServices Purchasing Units & Materials Training For Suppliers Request."— Presentation transcript:

1 GEtServices Purchasing Units & Materials Training For Suppliers Request

2 2 / GE / October 25, 2004 Overall GEtServices Process Select Proposal Submit Proposal Create Request Accept Order (Draft) Check Out Order for Approval Approve Receipts Submit Receipts Create Order (Draft) Active Order Approval Auto Approved Invoices Requester Supplier Punch-Out Oracle iProcurement For Payment Oracle iProcurement Oracle GEtServices

3 3 / GE / October 25, 2004 Table of Contents 1. Create Proposal 2. Review and Accept Draft Order 3. Submit Receipts 4. Audit Trail and Conferencing 5. Add Supplier User (Admin Only) 6. Modify Supplier User (Admin Only) 7. Consolidate Email Notifications

4 4 / GE / October 25, 2004 Login to GEtServices

5 5 / GE / October 25, 2004 Create Proposal Submit Receipt 3 1 Supplier Units & Materials Tasks: Step 1 Submit Receipts for completed services Review Draft Order, modify and return to GE or Accept Specify Requirements/Project Information Review & Accept Draft Order 2

6 6 / GE / October 25, 2004 What is a Request? A Request is a detailed explanation of the services to be provided. It is sent from the GE user to the supplier(s) to respond with a proposal. Request Items Units & Materials Items Content SOW File Attachments Questions Question Groups Apply & Normalize Weights Require supplier response Details Request Name Description Start and End Dates Response Deadline Location File Attachments Team Add Members General

7 7 / GE / October 25, 2004 Create Proposal Access “new Request” from Message Center or select “Requests” from top menu and then ”Request Name” to review all proposals before selecting one to create a draft order for.

8 8 / GE / October 25, 2004 Create Proposal Review items

9 9 / GE / October 25, 2004 Proposal Items Units & Materials Items Content SOW File Attachments Questions Response to Questions Details Proposal Summary Supplier Information File Attachments General A proposal is a suppliers response to a request. What is a Proposal?

10 10 / GE / October 25, 2004 Create Proposal Click “Create Proposal” A user can forward or decline a request

11 11 / GE / October 25, 2004 Create Proposal Click ‘OK

12 12 / GE / October 25, 2004 Submit Proposal Click “Submit Proposal” Review items and make changes where necessary before submitting to proposal Before submitting proposal a user can add an item by highlighting “Add Items” and then click “Add Units and Materials”

13 13 / GE / October 25, 2004 Proposal Submitted Status update to “Submitted”

14 14 / GE / October 25, 2004 Create Proposal Submit Receipt 3 1 Supplier Units & Materials Tasks: Step 2 Submit Receipts for completed services Review Draft Order, modify and return to GE or Accept Specify Requirements/Project Information Review & Accept Draft Order 2

15 15 / GE / October 25, 2004 Accounting Details Supplier Information Accounting Summary Accounting Items Order Items Units & Materials Items Content SOW File Attachments Questions Question Groups & Questions Details Order Name Description Start and End Dates Total Amount Location Supplier Team Members General An Order is the agreement with the supplier to provide the requested services. What is an Order?

16 16 / GE / October 25, 2004 Accept Draft Order Access “Submitted Draft Order” from Message Center or select “Order” from top menu and then ”Order Name”

17 17 / GE / October 25, 2004 Accept Draft Order Click “Accept Draft Order” NOTE: Order can be forwarded to a different registered contact Review items. If changes are necessary, “Send to Buyer for Review” will be the only option

18 18 / GE / October 25, 2004 Accept Draft Order Click “OK”

19 19 / GE / October 25, 2004 Draft Order Accepted Status updates to “Supplier Accepted Draft”

20 20 / GE / October 25, 2004 Create Proposal Submit Receipt 3 1 Supplier Units & Materials Tasks: Step 3 Submit Receipts for completed services Review Draft Order, modify and return to GE or Accept Specify Requirements/Project Information Review & Accept Draft Order 2

21 21 / GE / October 25, 2004 Submit Receipts Access “Active Order” from Message Center or select “Orders” from top menu and then “Order Name”

22 22 / GE / October 25, 2004 Submit Receipts Click “Receipts”

23 23 / GE / October 25, 2004 Submit Receipts Click “Enter Receipts”

24 24 / GE / October 25, 2004 Submit Receipts Select the order line item that you wish to submit a receipt for Click “Enter Receipt Details”

25 25 / GE / October 25, 2004 Submit Receipts Enter Required Information Click “Save” It is the supplier's responsibility to ensure that the appropriate detailed comments and necessary attachments (i.e. scanned documents, images, Word documents, etc.) are provided to fully support the receipt being approved. If the documentation is not sufficient, the GE Approver will decline the receipt.

26 26 / GE / October 25, 2004 Submit Receipts Review and click “Submit for Approval” Receipts will stay in “Draft” status until submitted for approval

27 27 / GE / October 25, 2004 Receipts Submitted Note: Receipt status updates to “Pending Approval”

28 28 / GE / October 25, 2004 Audit Trail View changes / actions performed on the order. Conferencing Centralized messaging forum for team members and/or suppliers.

29 29 / GE / October 25, 2004 Audit Trail A user can click “Audit Trail” to see changes / actions performed on the order

30 30 / GE / October 25, 2004 Conferencing A user can click “Conferencing” to centralize a messaging forum with team members and/or suppliers for all to view

31 31 / GE / October 25, 2004 Add Supplier User

32 32 / GE / October 25, 2004 Add Supplier User Access “User Management”’ from System Set Up

33 33 / GE / October 25, 2004 Add Supplier User Click “Create Supplier User”

34 34 / GE / October 25, 2004 Add Supplier User Enter Required Information Click “Save” Note: Administrative Permission gives users access to “User Management” and “Candidate Management”

35 35 / GE / October 25, 2004 Supplier User Added Note: Locations assigned will determine access to Requests and Orders. Click “Edit” to modify

36 36 / GE / October 25, 2004 Modify Supplier User Change Primary Contact

37 37 / GE / October 25, 2004 Modify Supplier User Access “User Management”’ from System Set Up

38 38 / GE / October 25, 2004 Modify Supplier User Click “Employee Name”

39 39 / GE / October 25, 2004 Modify Supplier User Click “Edit”

40 40 / GE / October 25, 2004 Modify Supplier User Click “Save” Modify information as needed Note: Administrative Permission gives users access to “User Management” and “Candidate Management” Place a check in the “Primary Contact” box to make this user the Primary Contact

41 41 / GE / October 25, 2004 Consolidate Email Notifications

42 42 / GE / October 25, 2004 Consolidate Email Notifications Access “User Profile”’ from System Set Up

43 43 / GE / October 25, 2004 Consolidate Email Notifications Click “Edit”

44 44 / GE / October 25, 2004 Consolidate Email Notifications Click “Consolidated” Enter Required Information\ Click “Save” Email Notifications are only to be set to “ON” or “CONSOLIDATED”. Do not select “OFF”.

45 45 / GE / October 25, 2004 Consolidate Email Notifications Information Updated

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