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Using Wikis as a Collaborative/Debriefing Tool In an Adventure Education Unit.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Wikis as a Collaborative/Debriefing Tool In an Adventure Education Unit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Wikis as a Collaborative/Debriefing Tool In an Adventure Education Unit

2 Amy DiBasilio Edgewood Middle School Amy DiBasilio Edgewood Middle School

3 Some Interesting Facts (Harrison and Scholastic) / 28% of children ages 9-17 consider looking through comments or posts on social networking sites as reading. 15% of parents agree. / 25% of children ages 9-17 think that texting counts as reading. 8% of parents agree. / 28% of children ages 9-17 consider looking through comments or posts on social networking sites as reading. 15% of parents agree. / 25% of children ages 9-17 think that texting counts as reading. 8% of parents agree.

4 Facts Continued / 57% of children ages 6-17 said they are interested in reading e-books. 33% said they would be more interested in reading a book for fun if they had access to it on an electronic device. / 39% of the children agreed with the following statement, “The information that I find online is always correct. / 50% of children acknowledge that reading is important. 75% of children know that they should read more. / 57% of children ages 6-17 said they are interested in reading e-books. 33% said they would be more interested in reading a book for fun if they had access to it on an electronic device. / 39% of the children agreed with the following statement, “The information that I find online is always correct. / 50% of children acknowledge that reading is important. 75% of children know that they should read more.

5 Why Use Technology in PE Helps to teach and reinforce skills our students will need to be able to use in the future *Personal and social responsibility *Critical thinking and creativity *Helps to facilitate a new kind of communication *Knowing how and when to use the Internet and its tools Helps to teach and reinforce skills our students will need to be able to use in the future *Personal and social responsibility *Critical thinking and creativity *Helps to facilitate a new kind of communication *Knowing how and when to use the Internet and its tools

6 Why Use Wikis in PE / Teachers continue to be guides and facilitators in the learning process. / Students have more time to process experience. / Students may be more comfortable writing than talking in front of a group. / Students have the opportunity to find out what many of their classmates are thinking about the activity or unit. / Teachers continue to be guides and facilitators in the learning process. / Students have more time to process experience. / Students may be more comfortable writing than talking in front of a group. / Students have the opportunity to find out what many of their classmates are thinking about the activity or unit.

7 Why Continued / It’s another way to incorporate reading and writing into the PE curriculum. / It’s another way to incorporate technology into the PE curriculum. / It gives the teacher a chance to make more connections with their students. / Students have a variety of ways they can express their thoughts and feelings. / It’s another way to incorporate reading and writing into the PE curriculum. / It’s another way to incorporate technology into the PE curriculum. / It gives the teacher a chance to make more connections with their students. / Students have a variety of ways they can express their thoughts and feelings.

8 How this Project Began / Looking for better ways to process activities in the teambuilding unit. / Time constraints on processing in the class. / The same students always spoke up. / Focus on technology in our district. / Focus on incorporating reading and writing in our district. / I originally planned on using a Blog but a Wiki was the only free option at that time. / Looking for better ways to process activities in the teambuilding unit. / Time constraints on processing in the class. / The same students always spoke up. / Focus on technology in our district. / Focus on incorporating reading and writing in our district. / I originally planned on using a Blog but a Wiki was the only free option at that time.

9 Basics of the Project / Teambuilding unit spans over nine weeks with fitness days intertwined. / Students are required to complete a short assignment seven of the nine weeks. / One grade level only (7th) / Teambuilding unit spans over nine weeks with fitness days intertwined. / Students are required to complete a short assignment seven of the nine weeks. / One grade level only (7th)

10 Requirements / I post one assignment each week (usually Monday). / The students have that week to go on the Wiki, complete the assignment and comment on two other students Wiki pages. / I post one assignment each week (usually Monday). / The students have that week to go on the Wiki, complete the assignment and comment on two other students Wiki pages.

11 Grading *Points for this assignment are included in the students test grade for the quarter. *This project is approximately 25% of their quarter grade. *Points for this assignment are included in the students test grade for the quarter. *This project is approximately 25% of their quarter grade.

12 Some Topics I Included Last Year in the Wiki / Initial thoughts about the unit / Teambuilding quotes / Teamwork article / Communication reflection / Trust reflection / Reflection on first climb up the wall / Link to final survey / Initial thoughts about the unit / Teambuilding quotes / Teamwork article / Communication reflection / Trust reflection / Reflection on first climb up the wall / Link to final survey

13 Technology Skills Students Demonstrated / Learned to add an Avatar / Embedded pictures / Embedded video / Included links / Commented on and sent messages to teacher and classmates / Internet etiquette and safety / Learned to add an Avatar / Embedded pictures / Embedded video / Included links / Commented on and sent messages to teacher and classmates / Internet etiquette and safety

14 Things I May Add This Year / Full Value Contract on Wiki / Student presentations on safety, teamwork, belay skills, etc- collaboration / Full Value Contract on Wiki / Student presentations on safety, teamwork, belay skills, etc- collaboration

15 Benefits / I had a better understanding of students thoughts and feelings throughout the unit. / Students had a better understanding of their classmates and were able to offer support and encouragement. / Most students enjoyed it. / Students were given a safe way to express themselves. / I felt safe in that I could monitor everything going on and adjust the Wiki if necessary. / I had a better understanding of students thoughts and feelings throughout the unit. / Students had a better understanding of their classmates and were able to offer support and encouragement. / Most students enjoyed it. / Students were given a safe way to express themselves. / I felt safe in that I could monitor everything going on and adjust the Wiki if necessary.

16 Difficulties / Time consuming to comment on and grade every students entries/comments each week. / Technology sometimes fails. / Some students just don’t want to do the work. These are usually the same students who don’t do work in other classes. / Time consuming to comment on and grade every students entries/comments each week. / Technology sometimes fails. / Some students just don’t want to do the work. These are usually the same students who don’t do work in other classes.

17 Tips / Start Small (I only do this project with my 7th Grade classes). / Try to make it fun for the students. / Continually remind the students of Internet safety and Internet etiquette. / Give students the option to write a private message to you on occasion. / Start Small (I only do this project with my 7th Grade classes). / Try to make it fun for the students. / Continually remind the students of Internet safety and Internet etiquette. / Give students the option to write a private message to you on occasion.

18 Tips Continued / Students should only use first name last initial on Internet. / Save documents as PDF before uploading. / Include help links on your Wiki for technical help. / Teach students to link the information they use so that they are learning to give credit to those who deserve it. / Students should only use first name last initial on Internet. / Save documents as PDF before uploading. / Include help links on your Wiki for technical help. / Teach students to link the information they use so that they are learning to give credit to those who deserve it.

19 Other Ways to Use Technology in PE / A general PE Wiki / Students can use Quia or other websites to study for and take written tests / Use a presentation website to have students perform or teach sport skills (Animoto, Slideshare, Voicethread, etc.) / A general PE Wiki / Students can use Quia or other websites to study for and take written tests / Use a presentation website to have students perform or teach sport skills (Animoto, Slideshare, Voicethread, etc.)

20 Other Ways Continued / Have students read a book or article and then present their information in an online format (Prezi, Glogster, Voicethread, Animoto, etc,) / Use a Wiki to present or have students present fitness information (Components, FITT Principle, etc.) / Have students read a book or article and then present their information in an online format (Prezi, Glogster, Voicethread, Animoto, etc,) / Use a Wiki to present or have students present fitness information (Components, FITT Principle, etc.)

21 Getting Started Wikispaces / Sign up for a Wiki account ( / Education Wiki’s are free / Choose public, private or protected. I chose protected. People have to be members of the Wiki to see it and and students can edit. / Upload students (no e-mail needed) / Sign up for a Wiki account ( / Education Wiki’s are free / Choose public, private or protected. I chose protected. People have to be members of the Wiki to see it and and students can edit. / Upload students (no e-mail needed)

22 Getting Started Cont. / Create your Wiki pages / Create Your student pages / Have a session in the computer lab with your students on how to use the Wiki. Include information on Internet safety and etiquette. / Have fun! / Create your Wiki pages / Create Your student pages / Have a session in the computer lab with your students on how to use the Wiki. Include information on Internet safety and etiquette. / Have fun!

23 References / / IAHPERD WIKI-My Wiki- / / IAHPERD WIKI-My Wiki-

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