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Further Reading… Meuter et al. (2000), “Self-Service Technology: Understanding Customer Satisfaction With Technology-Based Service Encounters,” Journal.

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Presentation on theme: "Further Reading… Meuter et al. (2000), “Self-Service Technology: Understanding Customer Satisfaction With Technology-Based Service Encounters,” Journal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Further Reading… Meuter et al. (2000), “Self-Service Technology: Understanding Customer Satisfaction With Technology-Based Service Encounters,” Journal of Marketing, 64(3), pp. 50-64 Bitner et al. (2000) “Technology Infusion in Service Encounters,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 28(1), pp.138-149 Bateson (1985), “Self-service consumer: an exploratory study,” Journal of Retailing, 61(3), pp. 49-76 Wulf et al. (2001), “Investments in consumer relationships: a cross country and cross industry exploration,” Journal of Marketing, 65(4), pp. 33-50

2 Objectives Promoting Goodwill –An image-building function of public relations and events are organised to reflect favourably on a firm Promoting a Product or Service –To increase public awareness of a firm’s brands and products O’Guinn et al (2009), Advertising & Integrated Brand Promotion, Chapter 20, Mason, Ohio: South Western

3 Objectives Preparing Internal Communication –Disseminate information and correct misinformation within a firm to reduce the impact of rumours and increase employee morale Counteracting negative publicity –To prevent the negative publicity from damaging the image of a firm and its brands O’Guinn et al (2009), Advertising & Integrated Brand Promotion, Chapter 20, Mason, Ohio: South Western

4 Objectives Lobbying –Assist a firm in dealing with government officials and pending legislations Giving Advice and Counsel –Assisting management in determining what position to take on public issues, preparing employees for public appearances, and helping management anticipate public reactions O’Guinn et al (2009), Advertising & Integrated Brand Promotion, Chapter 20, Mason, Ohio: South Western

5 Weaknesses Lack of Control –Media have other priorities and other sources, and the published story may be different from the information disseminated. – Journalists as Gatekeepers –If a story is perceived by the journalist as not enough “news value”, it may not be published Pelsmaker et al. (2007), Chapter 10

6 Weaknesses Effectiveness Hard to Measure –Compared to advertising, it is relatively hard to measure and evaluate the long-term effect of PR efforts on company good will or sales. Pelsmaker et al. (2007), Chapter 10

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