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CS 614: Theory and Construction of Compilers Lecture 9 Fall 2002 Department of Computer Science University of Alabama Joel Jones.

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1 CS 614: Theory and Construction of Compilers Lecture 9 Fall 2002 Department of Computer Science University of Alabama Joel Jones

2 ©2002 Joel Jones Outline “Everybody Dance One More Time” Finish problem from last class Introduction to Java Cup Reading & Questions for Next Class

3 ©2002 Joel Jones Definitions P L MST L S L Program P expressed in language L Machine M Translator from S to T expressed in L Interpreter for S expressed in language L

4 ©2002 Joel Jones More Tombstone Diagram Problems 3: (Gnu RTL intermediate language; HLL: C, C++, Pascal; Machine Code: Alpha, PPC, SPARC; RTL->RTL optimizer; all written in C Install on SPARC, given a C compiler for SPARC Compile P in Pascal, into SPARC machine code Compile using RTL optimizer Cross-compile C++ program Q for PPC machine code

5 ©2002 Joel Jones Quick Diagnostic Pair Up: What is a finite automata (finite state machine)? What are its components?

6 ©2002 Joel Jones Fundamental of LALR Parsing Bottom-up Unlike recursive-descent which is top-down Model is finite-automata with a stack The parsers state represents what is expected next in the input Transition to next state based upon the top of the stack, next (1) input symbol, and current state Stack contains symbols, both terminals and nonterminals On transition, stack may pushed (shift), popped (reduce), or unchanged (epsilon)

7 ©2002 Joel Jones Purpose of Parser Generator Translate a specification of a grammar into a parser Most parser generators are for Context- free Grammars (CFG) and produce LALR(1) or LL(1) parsers Grammar specification is annotated with action routines that are executed when a reduction is made

8 ©2002 Joel Jones Java Cup Accepts specification of a CFG and produces an LALR(1) parser (expressed in Java) with action routines expressed in Java Similar to yacc in its specification language, but with a few improvements (better name management)

9 ©2002 Joel Jones java_cup_spec ::= package_spec import_list code_part init_code scan_code symbol_list precedence_list start_spec production_list Java Cup Specification Structure Great, but what does it mean? Package and import controls Java naming Code and init_code allows insertion of code in generated output Scan code specifies how scanner (lexer) is invoked Symbol list and precedence list specify terminal and non- terminal names and their precedence Start and production specify grammar and its start point

10 ©2002 Joel Jones Example Java Cup Specification (partial) import java_cup.runtime.*; /* Terminals (tokens returned by the scanner). */ terminal SEMI, PLUS, MINUS, TIMES, DIVIDE, MOD; terminal Integer NUMBER; /* Non terminals */ non terminal expr_list, expr_part; /* Precedences */ precedence left PLUS, MINUS; /* The grammar */ expr_list ::= expr_list expr_part | expr_part;

11 ©2002 Joel Jones Running Java Cup Manually Download and build Java Cup export CLASSPATH=~/src/java_cup_v10k./INSTALL Run Java Cup on the specification java Java_cup Main Arith.y -or- java_cup Arith.y Run Jlex on scanner specification jlex Number.l Build parser and scanner javac javac (cont.)

12 ©2002 Joel Jones Running Java Cup Manually (cont.) Build driver program java Run driver program java ParseDemo << EOF

13 ©2002 Joel Jones Reading & Questions for Next Class Java Cup Web page ava/CUP/ ava/CUP/

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