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Winter 2006CISC121 - Prof. McLeod1 Last Time Wrapper classes JFileChooser (along with JOptionPane, and JColorChooser !) Text File Output.

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Presentation on theme: "Winter 2006CISC121 - Prof. McLeod1 Last Time Wrapper classes JFileChooser (along with JOptionPane, and JColorChooser !) Text File Output."— Presentation transcript:

1 Winter 2006CISC121 - Prof. McLeod1 Last Time Wrapper classes JFileChooser (along with JOptionPane, and JColorChooser !) Text File Output

2 Winter 2006CISC121 - Prof. McLeod2 Stuff… Any questions on assignment one?

3 Winter 2006CISC121 - Prof. McLeod3 Today Quick review of Text File Output. Text File Input. The File class. Notes on Programming Style and Documentation are included here, for you to read! Start 1D Arrays.

4 Winter 2006CISC121 - Prof. McLeod4 Text File Output in Java 5.0 PrintWriter writeFile = null; try { writeFile = new PrintWriter(outputFile); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); System.exit(0); } // end try catch outputFile can be a filename String or a File object (as returned by JFileChooser, for example).

5 Winter 2006CISC121 - Prof. McLeod5 Text File Output in Java 5.0, Cont. The Object writeFile, owns a couple of familiar methods: print() and println(). When you are done writing, don’t forget to close the file with: fileOut.close(); Way easy!!

6 Winter 2006CISC121 - Prof. McLeod6 Text File Input in Java 5.0 Use the FileReader and Scanner classes. Our usual import statements: import java.util.Scanner; import; import;

7 Winter 2006CISC121 - Prof. McLeod7 Text File Input in Java 5.0, Cont. This works: FileReader fileIn = null; try{ fileIn = new FileReader("Test.txt"); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // Do something clever here! } Scanner fileInput = new Scanner(fileIn);

8 Winter 2006CISC121 - Prof. McLeod8 Without using FileReader You can also send a File object to the Scanner class when you instantiate it instead of a FileReader object. You will still need to do this in a try catch block as shown in the previous slide. See the demo program “”

9 Winter 2006CISC121 - Prof. McLeod9 Text File Input in Java 5.0, Cont. We are going to have to talk about try/catch blocks soon! But for now, let’s get back to file input. To get the file contents, and print them to the console, for example: while (fileInput.hasNextLine()) { System.out.println(fileInput.nextLine()); }

10 Winter 2006CISC121 - Prof. McLeod10 Aside - Scanner Class’ Tokenizer The Scanner class has a built in String Tokenizer. Set the delimiters using the useDelimiter(delimiter_String) method. Obtain the tokens by calling the next() method. The hasNext() method will return false when there are no more tokens.

11 Winter 2006CISC121 - Prof. McLeod11 File is a class in the* package. It contains useful utility methods that will help prevent programs crashing from file errors. For example: File myFile = new File(“test.dat”); myFile.exists(); // returns true if file exists myFile.canRead(); // returns true if can read from file myFile.canWrite(); // returns true if can write to file The File Class

12 Winter 2006CISC121 - Prof. McLeod12 The File Class, Cont. myFile.delete(); // deletes file and returns true if successful myFile.length(); // returns length of file in bytes myFile.getName(); // returns the name of file (like “test.dat”) myFile.getPath(); // returns path of file (like “C:\AlanStuff\JavaSource”) One nice thing is that none of these methods nor the File class’ constructor throw exceptions!

13 Winter 2006CISC121 - Prof. McLeod13 Binary and Random Access Binary files contain data exactly as it is stored in memory – you can’t read these files in Notepad! Text file is sequential access only. What does that mean? Random access can access any byte in the file at any time, in any order. More about Binary and Random File Access later!

14 Winter 2006CISC121 - Prof. McLeod14 Aside – Assignment 1 You should not need to know anything else to do assignment one! Now we can move on to new topics. Please read the following slides on Programming Style and Documentation on your own. Part of your grade on Assn1 will be for style and commenting.

15 Winter 2006CISC121 - Prof. McLeod15 Programming Style & Documentation Purpose is to make your code readable (and “debuggable”) by you or another programmer who is familiar with the Java language. Internal style elements are documentation (comments), spacing, and descriptive variable names. Select the conventions you want to use and be consistent. (We will discuss creating external documentation through the use of the Javadoc utility later.)

16 Winter 2006CISC121 - Prof. McLeod16 Programming Style & Documentation – Cont. Comments: –Add a block comment to the top of the class and at the beginning of each method. Describe overall purpose of class/method, main algorithm used, author, date created, and any assumptions made and/or bugs found. Method comments should state what parameters are expected by the method and what the method returns. –Comments for variable declarations, when the name of variable is not self-explanatory. –Comments at the beginnings of logical blocks of code. –In-line comments to indicate the closing brackets of blocks and what they close.

17 Winter 2006CISC121 - Prof. McLeod17 Programming Style & Documentation – Cont. Spacing (alignment) –Class definition header starts at column 1, and closing bracket on column 1. –Indent of about 3 or 4 spaces is adequate. –Method headers and instance variable declarations indented once. –Code inside any block, including method code indented once from alignment of method header, or outer block.

18 Winter 2006CISC121 - Prof. McLeod18 Programming Style & Documentation – Cont. –Opening “{“ can be at the end of a statement line (Ready to Program puts them at the start of the statement, on the line below). –Closing “}” on same column as the column where the method header is declared, or the statement containing the opening “{“. “}” is usually by itself on a line. –Add a comment after “}” to indicate what is being closed. –If you have an overlong line, it is OK to continue the line on the line below, but indent the continued part of the line. (Note – do not try to continue a line in the middle of a String literal!)

19 Winter 2006CISC121 - Prof. McLeod19 Programming Style & Documentation – Cont. Spacing (“white space”) –Add blank lines before and after methods and larger logical blocks. –One statement per line. (Longer statements can be broken onto multiple lines.) –Use a space before “{“, “(“ and “[“. Use a space after “)” and “]” (unless the next character is “;”). –No code after “{“ or “}” on same line. –No space after “(“ or before “)”. –Use space after “,” or “;” in parameter lists or for loop arguments, but not before. –Put a space on both sides of an operator. –No space before “ ; ”.

20 Winter 2006CISC121 - Prof. McLeod20 Do public class StyleDemo { public static int someSum (int num1, int num2) { int sum = num1 + num2; return sum; } // end someSum method } // end StyleDemo class

21 Winter 2006CISC121 - Prof. McLeod21 Don’t! public class StyleDemo{ public static int s(int l,int l1){ int S=l+l1; return S; }}

22 Winter 2006CISC121 - Prof. McLeod22 Programming Style & Documentation – Cont. Variable Names –Also applies to method and class names. –Follow java restrictions on names: Use only letters, numeric digits (0 to 9) and the “_” character. Cannot start name with a number. Java is case sensitive! –Variables and method names usually start with a lower case character. Class names start with an upper case character. Constants are all in upper case. –Variables are usually nouns. –Methods are verbs or verbs and nouns.

23 Winter 2006CISC121 - Prof. McLeod23 Programming Style & Documentation – Cont. –Be descriptive, but not excessive! –Examples: numStudents setPassingGrade ( parameter list ) –Somewhat too long…: flagThatIsSetToTrueIfAProblemArisesWhen ThereIsAFullMoonOverMyHouseInTheWinterW hileMyProgramIsRunning –It is OK to use single letter variable names such as i, j, k for counters in loops.

24 Winter 2006CISC121 - Prof. McLeod24 Programming Style & Documentation – Cont. The java compiler ignores all white space including space characters, tabs and carriage return/line feed characters. Note that most java keywords are in lower case. You will get an error message if you attempt to use a keyword as a variable name.

25 Winter 2006CISC121 - Prof. McLeod25 One-Dimensional Arrays An array is just a collection of items, stored in computer memory (RAM). In Java: –The items must all be of the same base type. –Can be of any primitive type or object. –The size of the array must be declared before any items can be stored. –The size of the array cannot be changed after declaration. –An array occupies a contiguous memory space. –Array elements are numbered from zero.

26 Winter 2006CISC121 - Prof. McLeod26 One-Dimensional Arrays - Cont. The use of arrays in memory offers great speed advantages over processing data in and out of files. –File operations are always much slower than operations dealing only in RAM. –Typically, you will write array programs to: Read values from a file. Carry out all the calculations and manipulations required, in memory. Save the data back to another file. Arrays make it much easier to carry out the same calculation on many values.

27 Winter 2006CISC121 - Prof. McLeod27 One-Dimensional Arrays - Declaration For example, to create an array to hold 10 integers: int[] testArray = new int[10] ; testArray now points to an area of memory that holds locations for 10 integers. It also points to one location that holds testArray.length which is an attribute of the array, that is equal to the number of elements. Arrays are Objects in Java.

28 Winter 2006CISC121 - Prof. McLeod28 00000000000000000000 One-Dimensional Arrays - Declaration, Cont. 0180ff … int[] testArray 0480ff 10.length As a “pointer”, testArray points to an area of memory that contains a series of int values as well as the attribute length.

29 Winter 2006CISC121 - Prof. McLeod29 One-Dimensional Arrays - Declaration, Cont. The java statement above can be split into two: int[] testArray; testArray = new int[10]; The first statement creates a variable of type int[] - that is to say that it will be an array of int ’s. The variable, testArray is now an object of type int[] that contains an “object reference” or a pointer. The object reference is null after the first statement.

30 Winter 2006CISC121 - Prof. McLeod30 One-Dimensional Arrays - Declaration, Cont. int[] testArray; testArray = new int[10]; The second statement looks for a chunk of memory big enough to contiguously hold 10 integers (about 40 bytes), and then changes the object reference of testArray from null to the memory location of the chunk. This assignment of the object reference of the testArray object is carried out by the “ = “ assignment operator. The new keyword is responsible for blocking out the memory space and initializing each memory location to the default value for a new memory location of type int (zero).

31 Winter 2006CISC121 - Prof. McLeod31 Back to the 10 array elements in memory: testArray[0] testArray[1] testArray[2] testArray[3] testArray[4] testArray[5] testArray[6] testArray[7] testArray[8] testArray[9] One-Dimensional Arrays - Cont. 00000000000000000000 10 testArray.length

32 Winter 2006CISC121 - Prof. McLeod32 One-Dimensional Arrays - Indices The numbers 0 to 9 are called the index values of the array. The notation used above allows you to refer to individual elements. Note that the elements of the array are numbered from zero. arrayname.length returns the number of elements in the array.

33 Winter 2006CISC121 - Prof. McLeod33 One-Dimensional Arrays - Cont. for loops are often used with arrays. For example, to initialize each of the elements of testArray to the value 1000 * i : int i; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) testArray[i] = 1000 * i; Arrays can also be initialized at declaration, using an “array initializer”. To get the same array as above: int[] testArray = {0, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000};

34 Winter 2006CISC121 - Prof. McLeod34 One-Dimensional Arrays - Cont. Arrays can also be created using a variable (or constant) to specify the array size: final int MAX_SIZE = 1000; int[] testArray = new int[MAX_SIZE]; int size = testArray.length; // size is 1000

35 Winter 2006CISC121 - Prof. McLeod35 One-Dimensional Arrays - Cont. All the examples so far, have been arrays of int ’s. Could be arrays of double ’s, boolean ’s or even String ’s: (anything in fact, as long as all the array elements are the same “thing”) For example:

36 Winter 2006CISC121 - Prof. McLeod36 More Declaration Examples double[] dArray = new double[50]; String[] sArray = new String[100]; String[] sArray2 = {“Hi”, “Ho”, “Silver!”}; Note that there is some flexibility in where the first set of “ [] ” goes. These two declarations are equivalent: double[] disNDat = new double[1000]; double disNDat[] = new double[1000];

37 Winter 2006CISC121 - Prof. McLeod37 One-Dimensional Arrays - “Out-of- bounds” Error If n is the size of the array, then: Array indices (or “subscripts”) < 0 or  n are illegal, since they do not correspond to real memory locations in the array. These indices are said to be out-of-bounds. Reference to an out-of-bounds index produces an out-of-bounds exception, and the program will crash if the exception is not caught.

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