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ICT PROJECTS FAMOUS PEOPLE BIOGRAPHIESbyMarija. Lingva ICT projects FAMOUS PEOPLE Background (important dates, significant events, influences) Sandra.

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2 Lingva ICT projects FAMOUS PEOPLE Background (important dates, significant events, influences) Sandra Anette Bullock was born 26. July in Virginia. She is a famous American actress and film producer. Bullock is one of the Hollywood's highest-paid actresses,and she got one Academy Award from two nominations, and one Golden Globe Award. Before she became an actress,she was waitressing and bartending. The most famous films are „Miss Congeniality“; „Crash“; „Two Weeks Notice“...

3 Lingva ICT projects FAMOUS PEOPLE Personal characteristics Sandra has supported the American Red Cross and she donated $1 million to the organization at least four times. Her first public donation of that amount was to the Red Cross's Liberty Disaster Relief Fund. Three years later, she sent money to the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunamis. In 2010, she donated $1 million for Haiti, and again donated the same amount following the 2011 Japan Earthquake.

4 Lingva ICT projects FAMOUS PEOPLE Achievements She first became widely known for her role in the 1994 hit Speed. She has played in many more films since then, and won an Academy Award for Best Actress and a Golden Globe for her performance in The Blind Side, based on the true-life story of football player Michael Oher.

5 Lingva ICT projects FAMOUS PEOPLE Why I Admire Her/Him I watched a film Miss Congeniality and I liked her role. I think it is great that she donates money to charity.

6 Lingva ICT projects FAMOUS PEOPLE Useful links: hies.htm My Hero : Directory

7 Photos taken from:,_The_Heat,_London,_2013_(crop).jpg&im grefurl= 2583%25D0%25BB%25D0%25BE%25D0%25BA&h=263&w=192&tbnid=CYn8qBrSi9JlIM:&zoom=1&tbnh=186&tbnw=135&usg=__IBbbxJgbapEvP hPXB-t0BBgZJFg=&docid=UczWBrqrVGNoAM&itg=1&ved=0CJ4BEMo3&ei=USLSVN3hFMXOygOstYCYCA 12...164603.168071.0.169867. stYCYCA&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ#imgdii=_& 252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2013%252F01%252FSANDRA-BULLOCK-NET-

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