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Comparing Climate vs. Weather. Climate Change Video #1: Climate Change Video #2:

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Presentation on theme: "Comparing Climate vs. Weather. Climate Change Video #1: Climate Change Video #2:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Comparing Climate vs. Weather

2 Climate Change Video #1: Climate Change Video #2:

3 What is Weather? Weather is the conditions of the atmosphere for a specific place at a specific time

4 The atmosphere is the layer of gases that surrounds the Earth

5 The atmosphere causes the changes in: The clouds

6 The warmth of the Air

7 The moisture

8 The wind

9 What is Weather? Weather describes the current conditions: It is sunny today It is windy outside It is humid It is cold

10 What is Climate? patterns of weather conditions within a large region over a long period of time Climate describes: Decades Centuries,or even longer

11 Weather changes over a SHORT period

12 Climate changes over a LONG period

13 Things that cause climate Amount of Sunlight

14 Mountains/Valleys

15 Bodies of Water

16 Atmosphere

17 Configuration of Land Masses

18 Climate Data

19 Vegetation data

20 Climate or Weather? DescriptionClimate or Weather? It is always warm near the equator It is rainy outside today Las Vegas is a Desert The Rainforest is a very wet area We are supposed to have cloud cover over the Oakville area tomorrow climate weather climate weather

21 Climate or Weather? DescriptionClimate or Weather? We get snow every November to March It is going to snow tomorrow It is supposed to be warm this weekend It is very humid outside It was very windy yesterday climate weather

22 Climate or Weather? DescriptionClimate or Weather? We get warm weather every summer in Canada It is warm all year long in California It is only going to be sunny for an hour today, then it will rain The tropical rainforests are very moist places We had record rainfall last week climate weather climate weather

23 Climate has changed frequently throughout Earth’s past



26 Climate Change Over the past decade, scientists have observed an increase in mean world-wide temperature

27 – Not all places are getting warmer

28 – Some places are actually getting cooler

29 Climate change refers to: – Changes in temperature – Changes in precipitation – Wind patterns - Storm patterns

30 /earth-sci/climate-weather-sci.html

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