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Chapter 5 The Heavenly Scene Continues

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 5 The Heavenly Scene Continues"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 5 The Heavenly Scene Continues
1) The Characters God seated on the Throne – vs. 1 Mighty Angel – vs. 2 The Lamb – vs. 6 24 Elders and 4 Living Creatures – vs. 8 Huge Choir of Angels – vs. 11 “Every” Creature – vs. 13

2 SEVENS IN REVELATION Churches Spirits before the throne
Golden Lamp Stands (the churches) Stars in Jesus Right Hand (angels of the churches) Lamps (in heaven) – Spirits of God Seals on the Scroll Horns and Eyes of the Lamb – Spirits of God

3 NAMES OF JESUS/GOD Faithful Witness Firstborn from the Dead
Ruler of the Kings of the Earth Alpha and Omega Who is, who was, and who is to come The Almighty The First and the Last The Living One

4 9. The Amen 10. Faithful and true Witness Ruler of God’s Creation The Lamb Lion of the Tribe of Judah The Root of David

5 2) The Scroll – vs. 1 Right Hand B. Written on ______________
A. Held in God’s ___________ B. Written on ______________ C. Sealed with _____________ D. Was apparently _____________ E. When opened signaled the _______________________ both sides Seven seals unopenable beginning of the end (Chapters 6 and 8)

6 3) The Question – vs. 2 4) The Answer – vs. 3
“Who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll?” 4) The Answer – vs. 3 “No one…” In Heaven - On Earth – Under the Earth 5) John’s response – vs. 4 “Wept and wept”

7 6) The Lamb – vs. 6 A. Looked as if “Slain”
B. Standing at Center of Throne (surrounded by the 4 living creatures and 24 elders) C. Names (vs. 5) Lion of the Tribe of Judah Root of David D. Seven horns and seven eyes E. Took the Scroll from God’s hand

8 7) The Activity following the Lamb taking the scroll
A. Elders and Living Creatures Fall down in worship and sing a “new song”

9 Recurring themes of Revelation:
Seven Names of Jesus Christ/God “Is, was, and is to come” “every tribe and language and people and nation” – vs. 9

10 7) The Activity following the Lamb taking the scroll
A. Elders and Living Creatures Fall down in worship and sing a “new song” B. Countless angels Sing/say words of praise C. Every creature Say words of praise

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