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THIS IS With Host... Your 100 200 300 400 500 Storytelling Clan System Winter Count Boarding Schools Stories Absolutely True Diary.

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4 With Host... Your

5 100 200 300 400 500 Storytelling Clan System Winter Count Boarding Schools Stories Absolutely True Diary

6 If you are Ojibwe/Dakota, in what season are stories told? A 100

7 Winter A 100

8 Why is storytelling saved for winter? A 200

9 Correct Response Two A A 200

10 What is given to a storyteller before they tell stories? A 300

11 Tobacco A 300

12 What are two types of traditional stories? A 400

13 Correct Response Four A A 400

14 What are two reasons for telling traditional stories? A 500

15 Correct Response Five A A 500

16 Why did the creator send down animal ancestors to the Ojibwe? B 100

17 Correct Response One B B 100

18 What were the first 5 animal ancestors? B 200

19 Correct Response Two B B 200

20 What qualities did the Crane bring? B 300

21 Correct Response Three B B 300

22 How do you get a clan? B 400

23 Correct Response Four B B 400

24 What are the rules of being in clan? B 500

25 Correct Response Five B B 500

26 What tribe/nation used the winter count? C 100

27 Correct Response One C C 100

28 What kind of hide was used for the winter count? C 200

29 Correct Response Two C C 200

30 Who kept the winter count? C 300

31 Correct Response Three C C 300


33 When did the principal people get together to decide on what event to use? C 400

34 Correct Response Four C C 400

35 What did the historian use to make the pictures? C 500

36 Correct Response Five C C 500

37 What was the name of the most famous Boarding School? D 100

38 Correct Response One D D 100

39 What are the two types of boarding schools? D 200

40 Correct Response Two D D 200

41 What were some of the things that were taken away from students? D 300

42 Correct Response Three D D 300

43 What was the food like- examples? D 400

44 Correct Response Four D D 400

45 Why were student’s hair cut? D 500


47 What color were crows when the earth was new? E 100

48 White E 100

49 Who saved the Dakota from starvation? E 200

50 Correct Response Two E E 200

51 Question Number Three E E 300

52 Correct Response Three E E 300

53 Why did beaver want muskrat’s tail? E 400

54 Correct Response Four E E 400

55 How did muskrat lose his tail? E 500

56 Correct Response Five E E 500

57 How did mink get pike and muskie to fight? F 100

58 What are Maruspials? F 100

59 This second largest bird in the world is native to Australia F 200

60 What is the ostrich? F 200

61 Why didn’t the mink get to eat the fish? F 300

62 He was bragging and the wolf heard him. F 300

63 Why was the creator going to destroy the earth? F 400

64 What is Tasmania? F 400

65 How many days did the eagle have to save the earth? F 500

66 What is the Kiwi? F 500

67 The Final Jeopardy Category is: Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin

68 Final Jeopardy Question Click on screen to continue

69 Correct Final Jeopardy Response Click on screen to continue

70 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy! Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT

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