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CBA Review Today! 1.Turn in your mission floor plan if you haven’t already. 2.Grab a Review and get started using your notebook and textbook. You will.

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Presentation on theme: "CBA Review Today! 1.Turn in your mission floor plan if you haven’t already. 2.Grab a Review and get started using your notebook and textbook. You will."— Presentation transcript:

1 CBA Review Today! 1.Turn in your mission floor plan if you haven’t already. 2.Grab a Review and get started using your notebook and textbook. You will have 25 minutes until we grade it. 3.The first 15 minutes must be done silently. 4.After that time, you may work together but each person has to complete the review.

2 CBA Review #1

3 Questions 14 - 17 14. Coastal Plains 15. A. Agriculture 16. B. how Texans have modified their environment 17. B. Spain

4 #18 Any of the following examples will count: Spanish language Architecture Celebrations foods

5 #19 1519 – Pineda mapped the Texas coastline 1718 – San Antonio was established as well as San Antonio de Valero (Alamo) 1821 – Mexico declares independence from Spain

6 #20 TRIBEREGIONSHELTERFOOD JumanoM & BPermanent adobe house Crops & small game CaddoCoastal P.Permanent/ beehive hut Crops & small game ComancheGreat P.Nomadic/ teepees buffalo KarankawaCoastal P.Nomadic/ wickiups Fishing & small game

7 #21 Nomadic – describes a person without a permanent home Some tribes were nomadic as they moved from place to place in search of food. When an area’s resources were used up, they had to move to a new location.

8 #22 Cabeza de Vaca’s journey was over rough terrain through various parts of present- day Texas and Mexico. His encounters with various native groups and landforms required him to alter his route in several places.

9 #23 ExplorerArea ExploredResults (if any) PinedaFL & TX coast1 st map of TX coast Cabeza de VacaTX Coast & Mexico 1 st to tell of 7 Cities CoronadoTX, NM, OK, KS etc. Claimed loads of territory for Spain La SalleLA & TXClaimed land for France

10 #24 Colony could serve as a checkpoint for France to track Spanish activity in the Gulf. The French could seize silver mines in Mexico. French missionaries could share Catholic religion w/the natives. A French colony at the Mississippi could control trade in the Gulf and N. America.

11 #25 C Cabeza de Vaca

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