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Competition brings the best from products… and the worst from men. -David Sarnoff.

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Presentation on theme: "Competition brings the best from products… and the worst from men. -David Sarnoff."— Presentation transcript:

1 Competition brings the best from products… and the worst from men. -David Sarnoff

2 Development of Television TERMS/CONCEPTS/NAMES TO KNOW: Philo T. Farnsworth (Utah) David Sarnoff/Vladimir Zworykin John L. Baird (Great Britain) By 1948 only 1% had TV sets By 1960 90% of all Households

3 More key concepts... Mechanical vs. Electronic Television RCA (manufacture) NBC (programs) David Sarnoff goes public in 1939 Wartime need for electronics 1948 FCC license freeze - WHY? FCC 6th Report and Order After 3 years FCC combines 4 frequencies

4 Golden Age of Television Program QUALITY was a high priority for Network Executives… who wanted to sell more television sets Local affiliates were innovative… they HAD to be in order to fill time. They took their obligation to serve the community seriously

5 Golden Age of Television Programmers took ideas from radio: -variety entertainment -sitcoms and soap operas -artistic and elite programming gave-way to shows with mass appeal Sponsors brought radio stars to television Serling interview an example of the debates

6 Texaco Star Theatre, 1951 Uncle Miltie’s trademark comic routine was “dressing in drag” This was lost to Ru Paul, who treated Berle rudely at the Academy Awards a few years ago

7 Arthur Godfrey’s Talent Scouts 1950 Forerunner to “Star Search” Among the stars “discovered” were Tony Bennett and Patsy Cline Elvis Presley and Buddy Holly failed their auditions

8 Your Show of Shows, 1950 LIVE variety show with comic skits & satire Writers: Woody Allen, Mel Brooks, Neil Simon Original director brought back to get “Saturday Night Live” on the air

9 Ernie Kovacs Background in theatre 1st job was hosting a cooking show in Philly Somehow found “visual art” in TV His tragic death in a Corvair launched Ralph Nader’s career

10 Websites to Visit: Museum of Television and Radio, with sites in NYC and LA: The Broadcast Archive: Golden Age of Television:

11 Decline of Network Era The network audience peaks in late 70s Satellite services, video, erode dominance Network Regulations impose restrictions Still attractive business investments Bulk of prime time created by Indies FCC Relaxes network rules A.C. Nielsen tracks prime time viewing

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