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VOCABULARY UNIT #1. Aspect Ratio- the proportions of the frame.

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2 Aspect Ratio- the proportions of the frame.

3 Barndoors- blinders on the side of lights that keep light from “going everywhere.”

4 Bounce Card- white or silver card used for indirect lighting. The light “bounces.”

5 The Call- the sequence of directions. “Roll sound. Action!!”

6 Camera Stock- the actual film.

7 Cookie- a flat board with holes used for creating patterns or shadows.

8 Cutaway- a shot, usually of some detail or landscape, used to break up a scene.

9 Dailies- the footage filmed that day.

10 Depth of Field- the area in the frame that is in focus.

11 Dissolve- transition between two shots where one fades away and another enters

12 Exposure Index- the sensitivity to light of a piece of film.

13 Frame A single image on a piece of film. There are 24 frames per second.

14 Gel a sheet of transparent plastic that is used as a filter or to cover a window. It is often a colored piece of cellophane.

15 Iris The “eye” of the camera; what the camera sees

16 Mark The clapping of the clapstick to “mark” the beginning of a scene.

17 Master Shot A single shot, usually a wide shot, that incorporates the whole scene from beginning to end.

18 Negative Skip this word; it will not be on the test

19 180 Degree Rule An imaginary line that the camera should not cross. The image will “flip” if the line is crossed.

20 Outtakes Footage that is filmed but is not used in the final, edited version of the film.

21 Sync The degree to which the sound and video are lined up with one another.

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