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Slide 2- 1. Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley Chapter 2 Polynomial, Power, and Rational Functions.

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1 Slide 2- 1

2 Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley Chapter 2 Polynomial, Power, and Rational Functions

3 Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley 2.1 Linear and Quadratic Functions and Modeling

4 Slide 2- 4 Quick Review

5 Slide 2- 5 Quick Review Solutions

6 Slide 2- 6 What you’ll learn about Polynomial Functions Linear Functions and Their Graphs Average Rate of Change Linear Correlation and Modeling Quadratic Functions and Their Graphs Applications of Quadratic Functions … and why Many business and economic problems are modeled by linear functions. Quadratic and higher degree polynomial functions are used to model some manufacturing applications.

7 Slide 2- 7 Polynomial Function

8 Slide 2- 8 Polynomial Functions of No and Low Degree NameFormDegree Zero Functionf(x) = 0Undefined Constant Functionf(x) = a (a ≠ 0)0 Linear Functionf(x)=ax + b (a ≠ 0)1 Quadratic Functionf(x)=ax 2 + bx + c (a ≠ 0)2

9 Slide 2- 9 Example Finding an Equation of a Linear Function

10 Slide 2- 10 Example Finding an Equation of a Linear Function

11 Slide 2- 11 Average Rate of Change

12 Slide 2- 12 Constant Rate of Change Theorem A function defined on all real numbers is a linear function if and only if it has a constant nonzero average rate of change between any two points on its graph.

13 Slide 2- 13 Characterizing the Nature of a Linear Function Point of ViewCharacterization Verbalpolynomial of degree 1 Algebraic f(x) = mx + b (m ≠ 0) Graphicalslant line with slope m and y-intercept b Analyticalfunction with constant nonzero rate of change m: f is increasing if m > 0, decreasing if m < 0; initial value of the function = f(0) = b

14 Slide 2- 14 Properties of the Correlation Coefficient, r 1. -1 ≤ r ≤ 1 2. When r > 0, there is a positive linear correlation. 3. When r < 0, there is a negative linear correlation. 4. When |r| ≈ 1, there is a strong linear correlation. 5. When |r| ≈ 0, there is weak or no linear correlation.

15 Slide 2- 15 Linear Correlation

16 Slide 2- 16 Regression Analysis 1. Enter and plot the data (scatter plot). 2. Find the regression model that fits the problem situation. 3. Superimpose the graph of the regression model on the scatter plot, and observe the fit. 4. Use the regression model to make the predictions called for in the problem.

17 Slide 2- 17 Example Transforming the Squaring Function

18 Slide 2- 18 Example Transforming the Squaring Function

19 Slide 2- 19 The Graph of f(x)=ax 2

20 Slide 2- 20 Vertex Form of a Quadratic Equation Any quadratic function f(x) = ax 2 + bx + c, a ≠ 0, can be written in the vertex form f(x) = a(x – h) 2 + k The graph of f is a parabola with vertex (h,k) and axis x = h, where h = -b/(2a) and k = c – ah 2. If a > 0, the parabola opens upward, and if a < 0, it opens downward.

21 Slide 2- 21 Find the vertex and the line of symmetry of the graph y = (x – 1) 2 + 2 Domain Range (- ,  ) [2,  ) Vertex (1,2) x = 1

22 Slide 2- 22 Find the vertex and the line of symmetry of the graph y = -(x + 2) 2 - 3 Domain Range (- ,  ) (- ,-3] Vertex (-2,-3) x = -2

23 Slide 2- 23 Let f(x) = x 2 + 2x + 4. (a) Write f in standard form. (b) Determine the vertex of f. (c) Is the vertex a maximum or a minimum? Explain f(x) = x 2 + 2x + 4 f(x) = (x + 1) 2 + 3 Vertex (-1,3) opens up (-1,3) is a minimum + 1- 1

24 Slide 2- 24 Let f(x) = 2x 2 + 6x - 8. (a) Write f in standard form. (b) Determine the vertex of f. (c) Is the vertex a maximum or a minimum? Explain f(x) = 2(x + 3/2) 2 - 25/2 Vertex (-3/2,-25/2) opens up (-3/2,25/2) is a minimum + 9/4 - 9/2f(x) = 2(x 2 + 3x ) - 8

25 Slide 2- 25 If we perform completing the square process on f(x) = ax 2 + bx + c and write it in standard form, we get

26 Slide 2- 26 So the vertex is

27 Slide 2- 27 To get the coordinates of the vertex of any quadratic function, simply use the vertex formula. If a > 0, the parabola open up and the vertex is a minimum. If a < 0, the parabola opens down and the parabola is a maximum. 1.5 Quadratic Functions

28 Slide 2- 28 Example Finding the Vertex and Axis of a Quadratic Function

29 Slide 2- 29 Example Finding the Vertex and Axis of a Quadratic Function

30 Slide 2- 30 Characterizing the Nature of a Quadratic Function Point of View Characterization

31 Slide 2- 31 Vertical Free-Fall Motion

32 Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley 2.2 Power Functions and Modeling

33 Slide 2- 33 Quick Review

34 Slide 2- 34 Quick Review Solutions

35 Slide 2- 35 What you’ll learn about Power Functions and Variation Monomial Functions and Their Graphs Graphs of Power Functions Modeling with Power Functions … and why Power functions specify the proportional relationships of geometry, chemistry, and physics.

36 Slide 2- 36 Power Function Any function that can be written in the form f(x) = k·x a, where k and a are nonzero constants, is a power function. The constant a is the power, and the k is the constant of variation, or constant of proportion. We say f(x) varies as the a th power of x, or f(x) is proportional to the a th power of x.

37 Slide 2- 37 Example Analyzing Power Functions

38 Slide 2- 38 Example Analyzing Power Functions

39 Slide 2- 39 Monomial Function Any function that can be written as f(x) = k or f(x) = k·x n, where k is a constant and n is a positive integer, is a monomial function.

40 Slide 2- 40 Example Graphing Monomial Functions

41 Slide 2- 41 Example Graphing Monomial Functions

42 Slide 2- 42 Graphs of Power Functions For any power function f(x) = k·x a, one of the following three things happens when x < 0. f is undefined for x < 0. f is an even function. f is an odd function.

43 Slide 2- 43 Graphs of Power Functions

44 Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley 2.3 Polynomial Functions of Higher Degree with Modeling

45 Slide 2- 45 Quick Review

46 Slide 2- 46 Quick Review Solutions

47 Slide 2- 47 What you’ll learn about Graphs of Polynomial Functions End Behavior of Polynomial Functions Zeros of Polynomial Functions Intermediate Value Theorem Modeling … and why These topics are important in modeling and can be used to provide approximations to more complicated functions, as you will see if you study calculus.

48 Slide 2- 48 The Vocabulary of Polynomials

49 Slide 2- 49 Example Graphing Transformations of Monomial Functions

50 Slide 2- 50 Example Graphing Transformations of Monomial Functions

51 Slide 2- 51 Cubic Functions

52 Slide 2- 52 Quartic Function

53 Slide 2- 53 Local Extrema and Zeros of Polynomial Functions A polynomial function of degree n has at most n – 1 local extrema and at most n zeros.

54 Slide 2- 54 Leading Term Test for Polynomial End Behavior

55 Slide 2- 55 Example Applying Polynomial Theory

56 Slide 2- 56 Example Applying Polynomial Theory

57 Slide 2- 57 Example Finding the Zeros of a Polynomial Function

58 Slide 2- 58 Example Finding the Zeros of a Polynomial Function

59 Slide 2- 59 Multiplicity of a Zero of a Polynomial Function

60 Slide 2- 60 Example Sketching the Graph of a Factored Polynomial

61 Slide 2- 61 Example Sketching the Graph of a Factored Polynomial

62 Slide 2- 62 Intermediate Value Theorem If a and b are real numbers with a < b and if f is continuous on the interval [a,b], then f takes on every value between f(a) and f(b). In other words, if y 0 is between f(a) and f(b), then y 0 =f(c) for some number c in [a,b].

63 Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley 2.4 Real Zeros of Polynomial Functions

64 Slide 2- 64 Quick Review

65 Slide 2- 65 Quick Review Solutions

66 Slide 2- 66 What you’ll learn about Long Division and the Division Algorithm Remainder and Factor Theorems Synthetic Division Rational Zeros Theorem Upper and Lower Bounds … and why These topics help identify and locate the real zeros of polynomial functions.

67 Slide 2- 67 Division Algorithm for Polynomials

68 Slide 2- 68 Example Using Polynomial Long Division

69 Slide 2- 69 Example Using Polynomial Long Division

70 Slide 2- 70 Remainder Theorem

71 Slide 2- 71 Example Using the Remainder Theorem

72 Slide 2- 72 Example Using the Remainder Theorem

73 Slide 2- 73 Factor Theorem

74 Slide 2- 74 Example Using Synthetic Division

75 Slide 2- 75 Example Using Synthetic Division

76 Slide 2- 76 Rational Zeros Theorem

77 Slide 2- 77 Upper and Lower Bound Tests for Real Zeros

78 Slide 2- 78 Example Finding the Real Zeros of a Polynomial Function

79 Slide 2- 79 Example Finding the Real Zeros of a Polynomial Function

80 Slide 2- 80 Example Finding the Real Zeros of a Polynomial Function

81 Slide 2- 81 Example Finding the Real Zeros of a Polynomial Function

82 Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley 2.5 Complex Zeros and the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra

83 Slide 2- 83 Quick Review

84 Slide 2- 84 Quick Review Solutions

85 Slide 2- 85 What you’ll learn about Two Major Theorems Complex Conjugate Zeros Factoring with Real Number Coefficients … and why These topics provide the complete story about the zeros and factors of polynomials with real number coefficients.

86 Slide 2- 86 Fundamental Theorem of Algebra A polynomial function of degree n has n complex zeros (real and nonreal). Some of these zeros may be repeated.

87 Slide 2- 87 Linear Factorization Theorem

88 Slide 2- 88 Fundamental Polynomial Connections in the Complex Case The following statements about a polynomial function f are equivalent if k is a complex number: 1. x = k is a solution (or root) of the equation f(x) = 0 2. k is a zero of the function f. 3. x – k is a factor of f(x).

89 Slide 2- 89 Example Exploring Fundamental Polynomial Connections

90 Slide 2- 90 Example Exploring Fundamental Polynomial Connections

91 Slide 2- 91 Complex Conjugate Zeros

92 Slide 2- 92 Example Finding a Polynomial from Given Zeros

93 Slide 2- 93 Example Finding a Polynomial from Given Zeros

94 Slide 2- 94 Factors of a Polynomial with Real Coefficients Every polynomial function with real coefficients can be written as a product of linear factors and irreducible quadratic factors, each with real coefficients.

95 Slide 2- 95 Example Factoring a Polynomial

96 Slide 2- 96 Example Factoring a Polynomial

97 Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley 2.6 Graphs of Rational Functions

98 Slide 2- 98 Quick Review

99 Slide 2- 99 Quick Review Solutions

100 Slide 2- 100 What you’ll learn about Rational Functions Transformations of the Reciprocal Function Limits and Asymptotes Analyzing Graphs of Rational Functions … and why Rational functions are used in calculus and in scientific applications such as inverse proportions.

101 Slide 2- 101 Rational Functions

102 Slide 2- 102 Example Finding the Domain of a Rational Function

103 Slide 2- 103 Example Finding the Domain of a Rational Function

104 Slide 2- 104 Graph a Rational Function

105 Slide 2- 105 Graph a Rational Function

106 Slide 2- 106 Example Finding Asymptotes of Rational Functions

107 Slide 2- 107 Example Finding Asymptotes of Rational Functions

108 Slide 2- 108 Example Graphing a Rational Function

109 Slide 2- 109 Example Graphing a Rational Function

110 Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley 2.7 Solving Equations in One Variable

111 Slide 2- 111 Quick Review

112 Slide 2- 112 Quick Review Solutions

113 Slide 2- 113 What you’ll learn about Solving Rational Equations Extraneous Solutions Applications … and why Applications involving rational functions as models often require that an equation involving fractions be solved.

114 Slide 2- 114 Extraneous Solutions When we multiply or divide an equation by an expression containing variables, the resulting equation may have solutions that are not solutions of the original equation. These are extraneous solutions. For this reason we must check each solution of the resulting equation in the original equation.

115 Slide 2- 115 Example Solving by Clearing Fractions

116 Slide 2- 116 Example Solving by Clearing Fractions

117 Slide 2- 117 Example Eliminating Extraneous Solutions

118 Slide 2- 118 Example Eliminating Extraneous Solutions

119 Slide 2- 119 Example Finding a Minimum Perimeter

120 Slide 2- 120 Example Finding a Minimum Perimeter

121 Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley 2.8 Solving Inequalities in One Variable

122 Slide 2- 122 Quick Review

123 Slide 2- 123 Quick Review Solutions

124 Slide 2- 124 What you’ll learn about Polynomial Inequalities Rational Inequalities Other Inequalities Applications … and why Designing containers as well as other types of applications often require that an inequality be solved.

125 Slide 2- 125 Polynomial Inequalities

126 Slide 2- 126 Example Finding where a Polynomial is Zero, Positive, or Negative

127 Slide 2- 127 Example Finding where a Polynomial is Zero, Positive, or Negative -34 (-)(-) 2 (+)(-) 2 (+)(+) 2 negative positive

128 Slide 2- 128 Example Solving a Polynomial Inequality Graphically

129 Slide 2- 129 Example Solving a Polynomial Inequality Graphically

130 Slide 2- 130 Example Creating a Sign Chart for a Rational Function

131 Slide 2- 131 Example Creating a Sign Chart for a Rational Function -31 (-) (-)(-) negative positive (-) (+)(-) (+) (+)(+) (+) (+)(-) negative 0und.

132 Slide 2- 132 Example Solving an Inequality Involving a Radical

133 Slide 2- 133 Example Solving an Inequality Involving a Radical 2 (-)(+)(+)(+) undefined positivenegative 00

134 Slide 2- 134 Chapter Test

135 Slide 2- 135 Chapter Test

136 Slide 2- 136 Chapter Test

137 Slide 2- 137 Chapter Test Solutions

138 Slide 2- 138 Chapter Test Solutions

139 Slide 2- 139 Chapter Test Solutions

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