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EMPLOYMENT AND EARNINGS James and Clayton. Topic of Interest Describes the economic status of all businesses in Canada (trends) Helps with determining.

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Presentation on theme: "EMPLOYMENT AND EARNINGS James and Clayton. Topic of Interest Describes the economic status of all businesses in Canada (trends) Helps with determining."— Presentation transcript:


2 Topic of Interest Describes the economic status of all businesses in Canada (trends) Helps with determining future plans (working, immigration, etc.)

3 Variables Independent  Payroll Employment Dependent  Average Weekly Earnings ($) Thesis: Does payroll employment affect average weekly earnings? Hypothesis: Increased payroll employment will result in increased average weekly earnings

4 Sample of Data 19981999200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011 thousands Employment All industries11,885.4012,055.8012,460.9012,907.2013,116.5013,386.7013,608.8013,894.3014,265.8014,574.4014,848.7014,576.6014,703.8014,948.30 Public administration702.3705713860.2861.8900.2906930.2953.7969.51,016.701,038.201,049.701,057.80 Federal administration234.7237.9240.9252260.7265.6264.9267.2280.7281.5292.2292.3295.6300.7 Provincial and territorial administration202.1206.1208244239.6247.2245.4254.3257.9261273.6280.2285.2286.7 Local administration231.5226.6229.9324.1320.4343.9350.2363.4371.1383.6406.5421.6424.3425.5 average weekly ($) Earnings All industries632.72640.47655.55657.18673.05690.96709.5737.48755.67788.24810.95823.46853.2874.76 Public administration734.05761.05781.15783.82845.66869.19896.52926.98952.571,007.881,040.801,067.781,094.711,113.84 Federal administration830.71886.01926.6934.051,006.751,050.211,077.791,137.761,145.571,233.711,286.461,324.271,356.521,351.80 Provincial and territorial administration750.14758.82767.44805.37842.21889.87934.05958.591,005.471,048.021,090.601,152.411,169.681,186.47 Local administration657.34671.37680.57685.09755.43751.61772.87788.08809.12856.34871.63876.99909.87944.9

5 Data In thousands average weekly ($) Employment Earnings Year All industries 199811,885.40632.72 199912,055.80640.47 200012,460.90655.55 200112,907.20657.18 200213,116.50673.05 200313,386.70690.96 200413,608.80709.5 200513,894.30737.48 200614,265.80755.67 200714,574.40788.24 200814,848.70810.95 200914,576.60823.46 201014,703.80853.2 201114,948.30874.76

6 Sample and Population Target audience  all businesses in Canada (that consists of at least one employee) 15 000 out of 900 000 business in Canada

7 Sampling Method and Bias Systematic Sampling  About 2% of the target population’s answers in the data (15 000 out of 900 000 =1.67%) Sampling Bias  Sample does not accurately represent population  Possible cherry-picking (census samples entire population but population is too large)

8 Payroll Employment Not normally distributed (not bell curve) Skewed LEFT

9 Independent Variable- Payroll Employment MEAN: 13,659.51 MEDIAN: 13,751.55 MODE: #N/A (numbers not repeated) Standard Deviation: 1051.02

10 Average Weekly Earnings Not normally distributed Skewed RIGHT

11 Dependent Variable- Average Weekly Earnings MEAN: 735.94 MEDIAN: 723.49 MODE: #N/A (numbers not repeated) Standard Deviation: 82.53

12 Two-Variable Statistical Analysis R= 0.949424471 R= Correlation Coefficient R² = Coefficient of Determination

13 Conclusion As payroll employment increases, the average weekly earnings increase Why: Strong positive linear correlation shows an increase in both variables

14 Further Analysis Survey and data collection should be done in other countries for comparison of economic status between businesses in different locations Comparison will indicate which country provides the highest job opportunity and income earned Data collection of unemployment should be taken into consideration to indicate which country will provide a more stable and successful life for individuals

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