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Municipal Assistance Bureau Recommended Bid Analysis Procedures June 24, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Municipal Assistance Bureau Recommended Bid Analysis Procedures June 24, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Municipal Assistance Bureau Recommended Bid Analysis Procedures June 24, 2014

2 Agenda Introduction/Background Introduction/Background Recommended Bid Analysis Procedures Recommended Bid Analysis Procedures Example w/ spreadsheet Example w/ spreadsheet Guideline modifications for typ. LTF Jobs?? Guideline modifications for typ. LTF Jobs?? Q/A Q/A

3 Background Bid tabulation and bid reviews are an important part of ensuring a transparent, fair and competitive procurement system. Bid tabulation and bid reviews are an important part of ensuring a transparent, fair and competitive procurement system. While the frequency of unbalanced bids is relatively rare, unbalanced bidding reviews are an important step in the letting and award process. While the frequency of unbalanced bids is relatively rare, unbalanced bidding reviews are an important step in the letting and award process.

4 Bid Analysis (LTF Guidebook) Following the opening of bids, it is required on federal-aid construction projects that the unit bid prices of the apparent low bid be examined for reasonable conformance with the engineer’s estimated prices. Bids that vary greatly from the estimate or demonstrate obvious unbalancing of unit prices shall be further reviewed.

5 Bid Analysis (LTF Guidebook) Bids can be unbalanced in two different ways: materially and mathematically. Mathematically unbalanced bids are individual price quotations that do not reasonably reflect actual costs. Materially unbalanced bids are ones that generate doubt that the award would result in the lowest ultimate cost.

6 Bid Analysis (LTF Guidebook) It is possible that bidders will purposely bid an unreasonably low cost to be deemed the low bidder and then, during construction, present evidence that they cannot supply the material or service at the quoted price and therefore request additional compensation.

7 Bid Analysis (LTF Guidebook) Another possible scenario of material unbalance is that the bidder proposes a higher-than-average price for the items associated with mobilization of the project.

8 Primary Bid Analysis Steps Step 1: Competition Analysis Step 2: Major Cost Deviations Analysis for reasonableness and unbalancing Step 3: Unit price deviation analysis for unbalancing Step 4: Documentation of results and recommendations

9 Step 1: Competition Analysis: Identify the engineer’s estimate Identify the number of bidders Identify the range of bids Identify how the number of bids and corresponding bid amounts fall within the chart found in Section 5.a of FHWA’s Guidelines on Preparing Engineer's Estimate, Bid Reviews and Evaluation dated January 20, 2004. This can be found at: /ta508046.cfm /ta508046.cfm

10 Step 2: Major Cost Deviations Analysis for Reasonableness and Unbalancing: Items to be analyzed are selected A detailed analysis is performed on the selected items.

11 Step 3: Unit Price Deviation Analysis for Unbalancing: Identify the items where the low bid unit price exceeds the estimate unit price. A starting point of items to analyze is those items where the low bid unit price exceeds the estimate unit price by 25% or more. Identify the items where the low bid unit price is lower than the estimate unit price. A starting point of items to analyze is those items where the low bid unit price is lower than 75% of the estimate.

12 Step 3: Unit Price Deviation Analysis for Unbalancing (continued): If an item has been analyzed as part of step 2, no additional analysis is needed. If an item has not been analyzed as part of step 2, perform an estimate check and quantity check to determine if unbalancing is present. Additional consideration can include number of bidders, bids of second and third bidder, project urgency, and market conditions.

13 Step 4: Documentation of Results and Recommendations Documentation of the analysis is required to be provided from the Design Engineer. The Documentation shall include a narrative of general observations, number of bidders, range of bids, what acceptable deviation was used, any findings from Step 1 of the analysis, and a summary statement of what the analysis found.

14 Step 4: Documentation of Results and Recommendations (continued): The Documentation shall include a detailed narrative for each pay item analyzed in Steps 2 and 3. The Documentation shall contain a recommendation as to award or rejection of the bid.

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16 Q/A

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