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“Adventure in Space” Story Vocabulary. void On the monitor, Mission Control watched as the shuttle entered the empty void of outer space.

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Presentation on theme: "“Adventure in Space” Story Vocabulary. void On the monitor, Mission Control watched as the shuttle entered the empty void of outer space."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Adventure in Space” Story Vocabulary

2 void On the monitor, Mission Control watched as the shuttle entered the empty void of outer space.

3 void n. An empty space

4 maneuvering Watching the skillful maneuvering of the astronauts, the team on the ground hoped that the astronauts had a workable plan to recover the space telescope.

5 maneuvering n. A skillful or clever move or action

6 deliberately Slowly and deliberately, the shuttle approached the telescope.

7 deliberately Adv. Done or said with careful thought; slowly, as though allowing time for decision

8 compartment With only one chance to grab the telescope, the astronaut reached into a separate compartment at the control panel and ejected the robot arm.

9 compartment n. A separate section

10 handshake Instantly, the mechanical arm reached out to the telescope in a movement that resembled a handshake.

11 handshake n. An act in which two people grip and shake each other’s hands

12 bloodstream Now the astronauts were ready for their space walk, but first they had to breathe pure oxygen in order to get rid of the nitrogen that flowed in their bloodstream.

13 bloodstream n. The blood flowing through the body

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