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The Company. © Zabbix 2014 | 2 Content History3 Structure & Ownership4 Mission5 Partner network6 Financial information7 Team8.

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Presentation on theme: "The Company. © Zabbix 2014 | 2 Content History3 Structure & Ownership4 Mission5 Partner network6 Financial information7 Team8."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Company

2 © Zabbix 2014 | 2 Content History3 Structure & Ownership4 Mission5 Partner network6 Financial information7 Team8

3 © Zabbix 2014 | 3 History Project idea generation 1998200420052007200820092012Present Zabbix SIA established Zabbix 1.0 Zabbix Japan LLC established Zabbix 1.6 Zabbix 2.2 Zabbix 1.4 75 partners worldwide Zabbix 1.8

4 © Zabbix 2014 | 4 Structure & Ownership Zabbix SIA is a limited liability company registered in the Republic of Latvia. 100% of Zabbix Japan LLC, a subsidiary registered in Japan, belongs to Zabbix SIA. 100% of share capital of Zabbix SIA belongs to company’s founder and CEO, Alexei Vladishev.

5 © Zabbix 2014 | 5 Mission Our mission is to create top-quality open source monitoring platform of choice for solving real needs of users backed by the excellent level of commercial services

6 © Zabbix 2014 | 6 Partner Network partners are actively involved in Zabbix promotion all over the world 75 22

7 © Zabbix 2014 | 7 Financial Information 200520062007200820092010201120122013 27941372082824636601 3311 520 Revenue, 000 EUR 200520062007200820092010201120122013 1235912162131 Employees 200520062007200820092010201120122013 434638068155145146 Profit, 000 EUR

8 © Zabbix 2014 | 8 Team CEO Software Development PHP development C development Documentation & Testing Business Development Marketing Sales Customer Support Support Engineers Consultants & Trainers Administration Accounting HR

9 Thank you for attention!

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