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Getting motivated How can I be better? Study Support / Pastoral Mentoring 2013-2014 TOD319011.

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1 Getting motivated How can I be better? Study Support / Pastoral Mentoring 2013-2014 TOD319011




5 What is it?

6 What is it? noun a reason or reasons for acting or behaving in a particular way: escape can be a strong motivation for travel desire or willingness to do something; enthusiasm: keep staff up to date and maintain interest and motivation Basically, in your words, motivation is what causes you to do something, whether it is getting a glass of water to reduce thirst or reading a book to gain knowledge.

7 Why does a lack of motivation create problems for students and teachers now and later on?

8 Why does it matter? Motivation is a very personal thing, shaped by things such as past achievement, home circumstances and self-esteem – what motivates one person will not motivate another. Your teachers can influence how motivated you are, but the most important person in being motivated is YOU. So, why does being motivated matter in the world of the 2010s?

9 Why does it matter? Good motivation means you will avoid bad habits which lead to poorer performance in school, weaken your marks and begin to create stress on your relationships with your teachers and the people at home. Good motivation means you are more likely to have a positive attitude towards work and perform better, meaning your relationships will be better and your marks will get better.

10 Why does it matter? Good motivation in school is also important in preparing you for the next part of your world, either at university or college – in these places, teachers are much less ‘hands-on’ and the onus is on you to perform with less direct assistance. Finally, good motivation is absolutely vital in the world of work – a motivated worker will like going to work more and will perform better as part of a team. There are no jobs left in which you can rely on permanent supervision and guidance!

11 Some suggestions to help with your motivation

12 Some more suggestions to help with your motivation



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