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Teaching Science to “Non- Science” Students. Questioning Motivation What do you wish motivated students? In reality, what motivates non-majors?

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching Science to “Non- Science” Students. Questioning Motivation What do you wish motivated students? In reality, what motivates non-majors?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching Science to “Non- Science” Students


3 Questioning Motivation What do you wish motivated students? In reality, what motivates non-majors?

4 Extrinsic Motivators

5 Intrinsic Motivators competence control connectedness/membership sharing/generosity fascination with the subject a sense of calling to it a sense of its relevance to life and the world a sense of accomplishment in mastering it

6 CONTROL Course or assignments with self- determined components

7 COMPETENCE Design course so that students are challenged, but can succeed

8 Connectedness Connect with your students Help them connect with each other

9 SHARING Have students contribute to a shared learning experience

10 A Student-Centered Classroom: Essential to Motivating Students Knowledge Skills Attitudes Beliefs Experience

11 An Interdisciplinary Classroom: Essential to Motivating Non-Majors

12 Why Should They Care?

13 CFT Website – Teaching Guide on Motivating Students On Notecard: One idea you think you’ll try to get those “non- science” students involved

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