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A U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science Laboratory Operated by The University of Chicago Argonne National Laboratory Office of Science U.S. Department.

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Presentation on theme: "A U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science Laboratory Operated by The University of Chicago Argonne National Laboratory Office of Science U.S. Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 A U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science Laboratory Operated by The University of Chicago Argonne National Laboratory Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy IRMIS PV Crawler Auto-populating the IRMIS PV Schema

2 Pioneering Science and Technology Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy 2 IRMIS PV Crawler Requirements -Perl 5 with DBI and DBD:mysql modules -MySQL 4.x (4.1 preferred) -EPICS msi tool (for now…) -Reasonably consistent ioc boot process -Some ability to write/edit perl code - To create *BootScan module - To handle site-specific boot peculiarities

3 Pioneering Science and Technology Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy 3 IRMIS PV Crawler *BootScan Parser DBIDBI bootparams st.cmd dbd db IOC boot file system(s) MySQL ioc Ioc_boot, ioc_resource Rec,fld,…

4 Pioneering Science and Technology Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy 4 IRMIS PV Crawler What pv_crawler does (every 5 minutes): -Identify ioc’s to be scanned and their last known boot date (ie. or -foreach ioc - Check for new boot date If so, insert new ioc_boot record in db and proceed If not, skip to next ioc - Parse st.cmd (collecting all info on dbd and db files) - Check for any dbd or db file time mods If so, insert all pv and field data in db for ioc

5 Pioneering Science and Technology Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy 5 IRMIS PV Crawler Sample output from test run [bacchus]saunders> --go --boot-scan=APSBootScan --test --debug-level=debug I|20050304105259|pv crawler beginning usage: msi -V -Ipath... -Msub... -Ssubfile template Specifying path will replace the default '.' stdin is used if template is not given D|20050304105259|PVCrawlerDBLayer: begin ioc_find D|20050304105259|iocs to be boot scanned: iocpar01 I|20050304105259|Processing ioc iocpar01, boot date: 20050118153007 I|20050304105259|Parsing /usr/local/iocapps/R3.13.10/ioc/par/3/iocBoot/iocpar01/st.cmd D|20050304105259|script mod time = 20050114070431 D|20050304105259|sl = < cdCommands D|20050304105259|script mod time = 20050223113545 D|20050304105259|sl = startup = "/net/helios/iocapps/R3.13.10/ioc/par/3/iocBoot/iocpar01" D|20050304105259|sl = dbLoadDatabase("dbd/par01App.dbd") D|20050304105259|parse_function_call D|20050304105259|function dbLoadDatabase with args ("dbd/par01App.dbd") D|20050304105259|opening /net/helios/iocapps/R3.13.10/ioc/par/3/dbd/par01App.dbd D|20050304105259|sl = dbLoadRecords "par01App/commonDb/par01status.db" D|20050304105259|parse_function_call D|20050304105259|function dbLoadRecords with args "par01App/commonDb/par01status.db" D|20050304105259|calling parse_db with /net/helios/iocapps/R3.13.10/ioc/par/3/par01App/commonDb/par 01status.db D|20050304105259|check_for_file_mods(): no record found in db, so return 1 I|20050304105259|IOC Resources changed: 1, Parse error: 0 I|20050304105259|Write data to DB I|20050304105259|pv crawler done

6 Pioneering Science and Technology Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy 6 IRMIS PV Crawler What info do we store over time for a given IOC? -Boot history - Each new ioc boot is recorded with date, regardless of whether any configuration has changed - If there is an identifiable problem with the boot, or inability to parse it’s configuration, an associated error is recorded -File system resources (only if changed from last crawl) - Path to each dbd and db file that make up configuration, along with file modified date and any text substitutions applied -Record type definitions (dbd) (only if changed from last crawl) - The set of fields defined for each record type at that time -Record definitions (db) (only if changed from last crawl) - Record name, fields and their default/overriden values

7 Pioneering Science and Technology Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy 7 IRMIS PV Crawler rdbCore PV Schema

8 Pioneering Science and Technology Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy 8 IRMIS PV Crawler Experience to date -Running continuously for weeks now -No involvement of ioc developers time -All but 3 of 265 IOCs crawled successfully (including soft iocs) -Continual crawler parser improvement required, but has settled down to trivial cases now. -Crawler log raised useful issues for about 16 IOCs - Ioc’s registered as active in ioc table, but were not - Some file system resources unreachable due to perms - Identified ioc’s booting out of home directory - Identified references to non-existent st.cmd, dbd, db files - Fields defined in db files that don’t exist in record type - Identified ioc’s outside of general boot guidelines - Duplicate record definitions

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