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Heterogeneous Technology Alliance Photonic on Silicon : Electro-optical links for massively parallel multiprocessors systems- in-package.

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Presentation on theme: "Heterogeneous Technology Alliance Photonic on Silicon : Electro-optical links for massively parallel multiprocessors systems- in-package."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heterogeneous Technology Alliance Photonic on Silicon : Electro-optical links for massively parallel multiprocessors systems- in-package

2 The Heterogeneous Technology Alliance HTA Electro-optical links for massively parallel multiprocessors SiP Background 1965, General Electric GE635, reportedly 1 st SMP computer, with 4 processors, up to 2 MIPS 2012, IBM Sequoia BlueGene/Q, with 1.5 M cores, 20 PFLOPS, 7.8 MW. Optical fiber cables, arranged in a 5D-torus network at node board (32 cards) level. Electro-Optical Links will support next-generation HPC and smart embedded systems Optical links at chip-to-chip level

3 The Heterogeneous Technology Alliance HTA Electro-optical links for massively parallel multiprocessors SiP Current Leti Research : Carnot Hubeo+ CodingSamplingMultiplexingAmplificationModulation Photo- detection I/V Conversion AmplificationDemuxDecoding Synchronization Multiple access link, shared optical bus Demo 1 (mid term) : Complete electro-optical link 8GB/s Demo 2 (long term) : Multicore + RAM optical link architecture

4 The Heterogeneous Technology Alliance HTA Project Idea: Electro-optical links for massively parallel multiprocessors SiP EU call: Project Idea short description: Development of new chip-to-chip communication, based on electro-optical links Short Description: Co-optimization of optics and electronics components. Non-classical optical receiver & transmitter architectures (small form factor). Optical Multi-level AM Modulation. Optical clock distribution and synchronization. And other topic for other applications Optical generation of ultra-low phase noise mmW signals (Backhaul High order modulation). Potential Applications: High Power Computing Embedded Systems 5G Competences needed: Low power Wide Band analog design (up to 25GB/S) for data communication on 28nm and beyond. Actives and passives components models on 28nm and beyond. Electro-optical modeling and simulation. Heterogeneous integration. Contact:

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