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1. Political and security issues in East Asia 2. Economic and financial cooperation and sustainable development 3. Toward a shared understanding of the.

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2 1. Political and security issues in East Asia 2. Economic and financial cooperation and sustainable development 3. Toward a shared understanding of the cultural heritage and ethical traditions of East Asia 4. The role of youth in global governance and regional governance 5. Conclusion

3  DPRK:  Importance of corporation between 3 nations in regards to nuclear proliferation  Causes instability to the region  Natural Disaster:  Quick response team/annual talks to share information  Education  Finance  TRUST

4  Economic/Financial Cooperation:  Recognizes China’s massive market  Private sector cooperation Sustainable Development:  China’s rapid economic growth  Economic growth & Environment?

5  East Asian Culture:  Value of Family  Less individualism  Hard working  Respect to elderly  Confucius  Tough parents love  Strong sense of responsibility

6  Global Governance & Youth:  Power/Voice of youth is increasing  Joint statement of 2 nd CJKMUN  International society’s awareness of youth  Continuation of advocating the youth’s message to society  Having more face to face talks amongst youth

7  Youth’s awareness of the situation in the East Asian region  Acknowledging the role in which East Asia plays economically  Recognizing the origin and the commonalities of which we share in our cultures  Power of youth is present, but would still increase  MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING and TRUST


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