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Cultural Requirements Process Management Leadership Organizational Analysis.

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2 Cultural Requirements Process Management Leadership Organizational Analysis

3 Process Analysis Process Inventory Measurement Analysis

4 Process Improvement Continuous Improvement Benchmarking Re-engineering

5 Process View Informed and empowered workforce Knowledge work Decision at lower levels Short product life cycles Long product life cycles

6 Process View Problems between functions instead of within Focus on customers and processes Network of processes

7 Framed Process Approve customer credit application EventSub processesResult Submit credit appComplete appEvaluate app DecideInform customerSet upNotify Case for Action Losing market share to competitors Does not capture right information Can not answer in-process questions Small and big accounts treated equally Workflow covers many departments Vision Offer instant, secured credit to customers Large customers will get priority Increase value of work Improve market share by 15% Actors Applicant Sales rep Credit rep Credit Bureau Customer support Mechanisms Credit application Credit report Notification letter Sales System Metrics 1-4 hrs and upto 7 days per application 6 credit reps 150 app per month 75% approval 90% sales from 10% customers

8 Revisit Process What is a process? –One or more tasks that add value by transforming a set of inputs into a specified set of outputs (goods or services) for another person [customer] by a combination of people, methods, and tools (p.58, Tenner and DeToro)

9 Process versus Output A process transforms An output is the result of a process Outputs are not –Things you supervise or approve –Goals or outcomes –Steps in process –Job titles

10 Core Process Processes essential to success Serve as strategic weapon Identifies structural inefficiencies Helps to redeploy improvement efforts

11 Identifying Core Process Document goals Link goal to applicable processes through a hierarchy of processes Main process is core Use matrix structure for multiple goals and processes Rank by relevance of attributes

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