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Economic Expansionism vs. Communist Conspiracy.  The Democracies (US. and Britain) wanted the issues of Eastern Europe settled by self determination.

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1 Economic Expansionism vs. Communist Conspiracy

2  The Democracies (US. and Britain) wanted the issues of Eastern Europe settled by self determination.  Soviets felt it was necessary to have pro-soviet governments  Stalin helps establish pro-soviet governments in Poland and Romania

3  With Britain struggling they pull support in Greece and Turkey and Soviets step in.  US establishes the Truman Doctrine which provided money to countries threatened by Communist expansion  “like apples in a barrel infected by disease, the corruption of Greece would infect Iran and all the East”-- US secretary of state

4  In June of 1947 a European Recovery Program was constructed by the US. under the Marshall Plan (13 billion dollars)  Claims to fight hunger, poverty and desperation but they also felt that Communism fed off of poverty stricken nations  How would you feel by this if you were Soviet?

5  George Kennan comes up with the policy of Containment against aggressive Soviet moves  In West Germany the three democracies all merge their occupations together but are blocked  Berlin Airlift gives assistance until the blockade is removed in 1949  In East Germany Soviets dismantle and steal technologies and factories for their home.  They take 380 in total  Establish a new East German government under Walter Ulbricht in 1946

6  NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)  Warsaw Pact (USSR and Eastern Europe)  Mutual Deterrence became the cause of the arms race

7  After WWII Japan handed over Korea to the control of the US and USSR.  When Stalin supports a northern move south past the 38 th parallel America is upset  MacArthur pushes back past the parallel which upsets Communist China and Mao Zedong  Mao pushes back and after two years of fighting nothing is solved

8  After WWII France was in control but in 1946 Ho Chi Minh’s communist group in Indo China takes part and turns North Vietnam into a communist supporter.  French and Chinese forces fight for a few years until 1954 with the Geneva Conference it is settled that there will be two parts.  North Vietnam controlled by Communist Govt.  South Vietnam by the Democratic republic in Saigon

9  Khrushchev send Sputnik I in orbit and establishes ICBM  Start of Space Race so neither has superiority  Part of Mutual Detterence  Khrushchev becomes frustrated so created the Berlin Wall to prevent West Germany from controlling East German peoples

10  1959 Fidel Castro takes over Cuba in a pro soviet regime  In 1961 the US tries to take Castro out with an unsuccessful Bay of Pigs invasion  Khrushchev and Kennedy face off  Tommy Thompson and empathy  Closest to nuclear fallout

11  Most Europeans decide that they should free their colonies since they supported self determinism at Yalta  Algeria beats France  Most movements are from western educated Africans  Wafd help win Egypt their independence in 1912 but not until 1952 are they free  Apartheid in South Africa  Nelson Mandela arrested  Settlement colony causes tensions

12  Some countries like Jordan, Syria, Lebanon etc formed a Arab League  British were in favor of reducing Jewish immigration to Palestine but Zionists want a home  After WWII and news of the Holocaust America sympathizes with the Zionists and form Israel  May 14, 1948 Israel formed

13  1954 Gamal Abdel Nasser takes control of Egyptian govt. and takes back Suez canal  Brit/French vs. Soviets and… Eisenhower?  UAR formed with union of Syria but few willing to join  Palestine Liberation Organization joins Arabs to give Palestine back to original Palestinians  Al-Fatah led by Yasir Arafat launches terrorist attacks on Israel and vis versa

14  India splits between Muslim and Hindu groups  Muslim group form Pakistan and Hindu India  Gandhi the only one who objects says it will be an “orgy of blood” and is correct  China becomes split  Nationalist Chiang Kai-Shek in south  Communist Mao Zedong in north  Peoples Liberation Army defeat Chiang and move him to Taiwan  Mao begins “Great Leap Forward” but fails

15  Stalin dies March 5, 1953  Nikita Khrushchev replaces Stalin and is popular by the masses but not by the top  De-Stalinization limited police terror and allowed for intellectual freedoms  Fails in agricultural reforms  Removed in ‘64 after failed Cuban Missile Crisis  Replaced by Leonid Brezhnev

16  De Gaulle had been a president in hiding during WWII but took charge after the war.  Wanted to restore French supremacy in Europe and make them the third power of the world  ‘58 made a new constitution that gave him more power  Economically not much better off

17  Churchill is replaced by Clement Atlee of the Labor Party  Modern Welfare State formed in Britain  Nationalization of many industries like coal, electric, gas etc.  Social Security  Socialized medicine

18  Lyndon B. Johnson  Martin Luther King  Non-violent   Malcom X  “if someone puts a hand on you, send him to the cemetary”

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