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1 Balancing Incentive Program IT Capital Fund Request Department of Social Services December 10, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Balancing Incentive Program IT Capital Fund Request Department of Social Services December 10, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Balancing Incentive Program IT Capital Fund Request Department of Social Services December 10, 2014

2 2 Balancing Incentive Program IT Capital Fund Request  Background on the federal Balancing Incentive Program  Expected System Components & Outcomes  IT Infrastructure  Phased Approach  Funding

3 3 Balancing Incentive Program Background  Programmatic objectives Rebalance Medicaid long term support services towards community care Key change requirements  Universal Assessment  No Wrong Door

4 4 BIP Grant Funding  Federal grant/enhanced reimbursement 2% additional federal match on Medicaid community-based services $72.8 million in additional revenue Reinvestment requirements  Community First Choice Initiative Enhanced reimbursement of 6% Significant reinvestment component

5 5 BIP System Components  Online pre-screen of an applicant’s functional status  Automation of functional and financial eligibility processes for Medicaid;  Automation of a Universal Assessment (UA) that will be used across State agencies and contractors  Online mechanism through which services can be requested from providers  Consumer portal

6 6 BIP System Outcomes  Reduction of redundancy in assessing need across programs  Streamlined LTSS eligibility processing  Individualized budget allocations based on functional need that through standardization will enable more equitable distribution of dollars across the entire LTSS system

7 7 BIP System Outcomes (continued)  Enhanced ease and timeliness of access to LTSS services  An increased incidence of hospital discharge to community-based services, as opposed to nursing home care  Consumer empowerment through sharing of their health care data

8 8 BIP System Infrastructure  BIP system will initially leverage DSS existing ConneCT infrastructure  Upon completion of the new ImpaCT integrated eligibility system, support for the BIP system will migrate to the ImpaCT environment  Additional ongoing costs will be minimized by leveraging these systems

9 9 BIP Phased Approach  Current request is for Phase 1 only  Includes: Universal Assessment (Release 1) Initial Release 2 design development  Future Phase 2 No Wrong Door Client access/consumer portal

10 10 BIP System Funding  For the majority of components federal match available at the 90% level (89%)  11% State contribution is requested through IT Capital Fund  Federal approval of an Advance Planning Document required for federal contribution  Initial APD submitted and approved for approximately $15 million

11 11 BIP System Funding  Phase 1 Budget $10.4 m in total excluding salary and fringe $1.1 million request from IT Capital Fund for the 11% State share of the project  Future request anticipated for Phase 2 Current estimated Phase 2 costs are approximately $15 million IT Capital Fund contribution of close to $1.5 million

12 12 BIP System Funding

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