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If WE Build it, They Will Come! Gretchen Ann Morris, CISSP NASA IT Security Awareness and Training Center (RS Information Sys.)

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Presentation on theme: "If WE Build it, They Will Come! Gretchen Ann Morris, CISSP NASA IT Security Awareness and Training Center (RS Information Sys.)"— Presentation transcript:

1 If WE Build it, They Will Come! Gretchen Ann Morris, CISSP NASA IT Security Awareness and Training Center (RS Information Sys.)

2 Build What? An Information Systems Security Course (TRAINING) that is…  Role-based  NIST 800-16 based  Web-based Select role and level of difficulty Receive a list of links to appropriate training pages

3 WE? FISSEA members  Who could do a better job?  Who knows our field and our audiences more?  Did we come here ONLY to have fun and learn?  Think about volunteering some of your time and effort to help build a training product we all can use

4 Why? OMB, FISMA, NIST, and Us The National Strategy to Protect Cyberspace  Generating training that covers all job roles and can be used by all is one of the best ways to help protect our country’s cyberspace and our agency systems. Do the right thing!  NIST 800-16 is a GREAT map – all of the hard work and effort the authors put into it should not go to waste.

5 Who is They (the audience)? Everyone within our Agencies that has access to Government Information Systems Anyone else who may use Information Systems at work or at home

6 How? Coordination Support TEAMWORK

7 Coordination I will  Answer questions  Coordinate  Put the pieces together  Give a copy of the final product (on CD) to any FISSEA member who requests it

8 Support Challenge the new FISSEA board to consider adding this task to the Board’s Top Priority list  Get their buy-in and help Documentation  Writing guide

9 TEAMWORK Writers  46 cells times 3 levels = 138 cells of training 1 person = way too much work 46 people = could write all 3 levels of one cell each Technical Editors = 46 (edit 3 cells each) Grammatical Editors = 46 (edit 3 cells each) Or any other combination we can come up with

10 What do you think? The Good, the Bad, the Ugly… Would you sign up to…  Write the training for a particular cell - maybe one of your areas of expertise (one or more levels)  Be a technical or grammatical editor  Receive status reports on the project and possibly volunteer to help later Personal contact information available in the conference attendance sheet.

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