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ABAP Programming MINS298c Fall 1998. Overview Hiding in ABAP Primitive Pagination ABAP does Windows Making Messages Assignments.

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Presentation on theme: "ABAP Programming MINS298c Fall 1998. Overview Hiding in ABAP Primitive Pagination ABAP does Windows Making Messages Assignments."— Presentation transcript:

1 ABAP Programming MINS298c Fall 1998

2 Overview Hiding in ABAP Primitive Pagination ABAP does Windows Making Messages Assignments

3 Hiding in ABAP (p.366) Hide Command –temporarily stores variables –Hide Area related by line number –recalled at AT LINE-SELECTION event Display area Hide area Write: / airline, fnumber. Hide: / airline-cost. airline fnumber airline-cost

4 Hiding in ABAP Hide Command –temporarily stores variables –Hide Area related by line number –recalled at AT LINE-SELECTION event Display area Hide area Write: / airline, fnumber. Hide: / airline-cost. AT LINE-SELECTION write: / airline-cost. airline fnumber airline-cost cursor >

5 Primitive Pagination (p.374) Language Dependent –Headers & Labels Default –one “logical page” of 60,000 lines –list header from text elements - Title and Heading Overrides –Events: TOP-OF-PAGE: END-OF-PAGE: NEW-PAGE –“NO STANDARD PAGE HEADING” clause –LINE-COUNT clause

6 ABAP does Windows (p364) Window command –starting at x1 y1 –ending at x2 y2 1 X 80 1 Y 24

7 ABAP does Windows (p364) Window command –starting at 10 10 –ending at 20 20 1 x1 x2 80 1 y1 y2 24 10 20 10 20

8 Making Messages (p.440) Message Types a - abnormal end ABEND; no chance to correct e - error; cannot continue asks for possible correction w - warning; choice to continue or re-enter data i - information; display only s - success; displays message Message command –MESSAGE messid –The ‘&’ sign represents variables for the message from the program

9 Message Example my_name = ‘Bne’. if my_name ne ‘Ben’. MESSAGE e001 my_name. endif. 001 Wrong entry & e001 001 Wrong entry Bne cont new

10 Assignments Add the code necessary to the currency program to catch the currencies that do not convert and to print these on a separate page so that the output appears on multiple pages. Use the new-page, end-of-page, and top-of-page events Change the currency program to send an error message to the user as appropriate when the exchange rate does not exist for a currency.

11 Possible Presentation Topics AT USER COMMAND GUI Design Variants Dialog boxes - List of useful ones List of events - List of most used Field Symbols AT CURSOR Frames Logical Databases Uploading and downloading files ABAP Query Using Object Browser to develop a program Demonstrating efficiency of conditionals User and formula exits

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