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Ch 1.1 What is Biology Things a biologist might study- “Genetic Analysis Finds Greater Threat In Frog-killing Fungus” Source:University of California –

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Presentation on theme: "Ch 1.1 What is Biology Things a biologist might study- “Genetic Analysis Finds Greater Threat In Frog-killing Fungus” Source:University of California –"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch 1.1 What is Biology Things a biologist might study- “Genetic Analysis Finds Greater Threat In Frog-killing Fungus” Source:University of California – Berkeley Date:August 11, 2007University of California – Berkeley “First Detailed View Of Molecular Structure May Usher In New Class Of Cancer Drugs” Source:Yale UniversityDate:August 8, 2007Yale University “Anthrax Bacterium's Deadly Secrets Probed” Source: Research Councils UKDate:August 9, 2007Research Councils UK

2 Can sense its environment.environment Can manipulate things in its environment.manipulate Has some degree of intelligence, or ability to make choices based on the environment, or automatic control.intelligence Can move with one or more axes of rotation. rotation Can make coordinated movements.movements

3 Ch 1.1 What is Biology Characteristics of Living Things –Organization –Reproduction –Growth and development –Adjust to surroundings Homeostasis –Adapt

4 Ch 1.2 Methods of Biology Scientific methods –Observations –Identify a problem –Research –Hypothesize –Experiment –Collect Data –Analyze data –Hypothesis supported?? –Peer Review/Publish –Verification


6 Identify a problem… What causes __________? Why do Mexican poppies flower in the spring? (Their favorite time of year?) Turns into: What causes Mexican poppies to flower in the spring? Which ____ is best for _____? Why do plants use nitrogen? (Very tough question!) Turns into: Which amount of nitrogen is best for plant growth? Is it true that______ ? Why did I find isopods in dark places? (Who really knows?) Turns into: Is it true that isopods prefer to be in dark places? Which _____ is/does _____ ? Why do animals visit desert marigold flowers? (For the bouquet?) Turns into: Which animal visits the desert marigold flowers the most? Why do hummingbirds eat flower nectar? Turns into: Which sugar concentration do hummingbirds prefer?

7 1.2 The Methods of Biology Hypothesis must be an if...then statement. –“Ultra violet light may cause skin cancer. “ –“If skin cancer is related to ultraviolet light, then people with a high exposure to UV light will have a higher frequency of skin cancer.” Experiment –Control –Independent variable –Dependent variable –Test only one variable at a time!

8 1.2 The Methods of Biology Data –Quantitative –Qualitative Theory vs. Law

9 1.3 The Nature of Biology Graphing –Must always have Title Independent variable on X-axis Dependent variable on Y-axis Lables –Line –Bar –Circle/Pie




13 1.3 The Nature of Biology SI Units (International System of Units) –Length –Time –Mass –Volume –Temperature Table 5. SI prefixes FactorName Symbol 10 6 megaM 10 3 kilok 10 2 hectoh 10 1 dekada Factor Table 5. SI prefixes 10 -1 decid 10 -2 centic 10 -3 millim 10 -6 microµ 10 -9 nanon Factor

14 1.3 The Nature of Biology Science = knowledge Technology = practical uses of science Ethics = What to do the technology Dolly and Bonnie

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