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Alison Trimble Miracles take a little longer …

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1 Alison Trimble Miracles take a little longer …

2 Objective: By the end of the session participants will: Have a greater awareness of the tools now available for teaching and learning Know where to find more information (I hope) want to explore the value these might have in their own context

3 ILT Information Learning Technology: the use of technology to support teaching and learning – planning lessons, researching, using Smartboards, creating materials, taking digital photos, encouraging students with text messages …

4 E-learning The student is learning by accessing digital, interactive resources – commercial CBT Computer Based Training, NLN materials – perhaps stored on a vle (virtual learning environment such a Blackboard or Moodle….)

5 “New” E-learning Web 2.0 tools – Social networking The student is learning by accessing digital, interactive resources but also interacting with other learners and / or tutors

6 Things kids (and young adults) say I don’t need to find a book, I’ll Google it. Have you got a My Space? A Facebook? I’ll Skype you later. Gotta Blog that! Got the homework off Wikipedia. I met my current fella on Yahoo PoolYahoo Pool

7 Why do we need to know? To at least understand their language, if not speak it It’s the way they learn about the world. How can we use it? To protect vulnerable adults and help parents protect their children It’s changing the way they use language Collaborative learning, action learning - more pedagogically sound?

8 MSN – Windows Messenger What is it? Get it from herehere Use it from anywhere Free download for synchronous typed chat, with free or cheap phone calls and access to Windows Live Space

9 Skype What is it? Get it from herehere Free phone calls across the internet: you just need to download the software. You can then send an invitation to your friends to do the same. Ideally you need usb headphones with an integral microphone. Image taken from

10 Whatever happened to the Web? This library was boring so we’ve all written our own books and popped them on the shelves – pretty randomly, really! And WE put up a marquee in the corners so we could have our own private party!

11 Blogs Bloggers Blogging A weblog, or Blog, is simply an online diary. A personal space on the web where people record the day to day events in their lives Daily, or less frequently and sometimes minute by minute.

12 Blogs for teaching and learning To keep a reflective practice journalreflective practice journal How could you use them with learners? Make your own teacher blog at: Popular blog sites

13 WIKIS Wiki... a type of website that allows users to easily add, remove, or otherwise edit and change some available content'.() Differs from a blog in that it is not sequential over time. Anyone with a password can edit the web pages – some are completely open. Set one up at: http://www.wikispaces.com View ours at: Wikipedia

14 Podcasts Originally, audio files that could be downloaded to an Ipod (MP3 or MP4 format) This is a good place to start, whether you want to create them or use them: ources ources For UK-focussed podcasts try Or go to and put English Podcast in the search box to see what’s there

15 Social networking and photo / video sites – some examples My Space Bebo Face Book You Tube (more appropriate: Tube Habbo Hotel (UK) video clipHabbo Hotel video clip Second Life videoclip 1 video clip 2Second Life videoclip 1video clip 2

16 Stay safe on the read/write web

17 But I’m teaching “Help Your Child to Learn” in a broom cupboard …

18 National Learning Network materials Examples: Fractionslearntrain Dressing right gameslearntrain Being a better learnerlearntrain

19 7-10 years ago Students typing up their stories and poems,using spell-checker, adding pictures Web treasure hunts Using Excel to make pie charts Using information CDs ExampleExample

20 More recently … Interactive Word: using the forms toolbar, comments, adding sound, considering accessibility ExampleInfoExampleInfo Powerpoint ExampleExample Hot Potatoes ExampleInfoExampleInfo Webquests: – word-based Example Example – web-based Example Info Example Info

21 Getting adventurous … Smartboard software Example Download ExampleDownload Digital cameras, text-messaging etc Email and creating websites Spotlight on accessibility: –Using the control panel –Speech to text: Dragon Dictate & Via voiceDragon Dictate Via voice –Text to speech: Texthelp / Browsealoud, Readplease etcTexthelp / Browsealoud Readplease –Word bank programmes such as WordbarWordbar –Techdis for informationTechdis

22 Internet gems (1) BBC Skillswise How Stuff Works Mind Body Soul BBC virtual garden Study Spanish Paperboy In the Paper

23 Internet gems (2) Common knowledge Family Learning – Durham Content workshop Wirral MBC maths homework Pre-school printables Sparklebox Videojug Powerpoint for games

24 Back to the broom cupboard.. Think about your kit: - does everyone need a laptop /PC? - could you use 1 laptop and a projector? - can you gather around one laptop? - can you get hold of a wireless mouse? - do your learners have mobile phones? Can your learning outcomes be met in a different way? examples:evaluating resourcesevaluating resources learning through games

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