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Cultural Conformity and Adaptation Warm Up: List at least ten traditional American values. Hint: Freedom is a traditional American value. Unit 3 - Sociology.

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Presentation on theme: "Cultural Conformity and Adaptation Warm Up: List at least ten traditional American values. Hint: Freedom is a traditional American value. Unit 3 - Sociology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cultural Conformity and Adaptation Warm Up: List at least ten traditional American values. Hint: Freedom is a traditional American value. Unit 3 - Sociology

2 1.Personal Achievement 2.Individualism 3.Work 4.Morality and Humanitarianism 5.Efficiency and Practicality 6.Progress and Material Comfort 7.Equality and Democracy 8.Freedom 9.Patriotism 10.Science and Rationality 11.Group superiority 12.Education 13.Romantic Love 13 Traditional American Values 13 Stripes in the United States Flag

3 Cultural Conformity and Adaptation All societies establish norms and values and use internalization and sanctions to enforce them. Societies also change. Major sources of change are values and beliefs, technology, population, diffusion, the physical environment and wars and conquests. Resistance to change includes ethnocentrism and vested interests. Unit 3 - Sociology

4  Internalization of Norms – Norms become a part of a person’s personality. Social Control

5  Internalization of Norms – Norms become a part of a person’s personality.  Sanctions – rewards or punishments used to enforce conformity to norms. Social Control

6  Internalization of Norms – Norms become a part of a person’s personality.  Sanctions – rewards or punishments used to enforce conformity to norms.  Positive Sanctions – Rewards Social Control

7  Internalization of Norms – Norms become a part of a person’s personality.  Sanctions – rewards or punishments used to enforce conformity to norms.  Positive Sanctions – Rewards  Negative Sanctions – Punishments Social Control

8  Internalization of Norms – Norms become a part of a person’s personality  Sanctions – Rewards or punishments used to enforce conformity to norms.  Positive Sanctions – Rewards  Negative Sanctions – Punishments  Formal Sanctions – Given by a school, business or government. Social Control

9  Internalization of Norms – Norms become a part of a person’s personality  Sanctions – Rewards or punishments used to enforce conformity to norms.  Positive Sanctions – Rewards  Negative Sanctions – Punishments  Formal Sanctions – Given by a school, business or government  Informal Sanctions – Expressions of approval or disapproval given by a group or individual. Social Control

10 Social Change Source of Social Change ExampleSocial Consequence Values and beliefs Technology Population Diffusion Physical environment Wars and conquests

11 Values and Beliefs  Ideology – System of beliefs or ideas that justifies the social, moral, religious, political or economic interests held by a society  Social movements - Ideologies are spread through social movements – or long term effort to promote or prevent social change. Social Change Sources of Social Change – Values and Beliefs

12 The Smoking Phenomenon In the mid 20 th Century, big movie stars were happy to endorse smokes on TV, and the number one celebrity of the era was the Duke. John Wayne appeared for Camel in 1952, speaking highly of the product: "Mild and good tasting pack after pack. And I know, I've been smokin' em for twenty years." John Wayne appeared for Camel John Wayne appeared for Camel Cultural Change

13 The Smoking Phenomenon Coincidentally (or not), John Wayne died of lung cancer twenty-seven years after that spot aired; some of the last commercials he filmed were to ask people to stop smoking.last commercials he filmed Cultural Change

14 Technology  Social change occurs when people find new ways to change their environment.  Technology are the knowledge and tools people use to manipulate their environment.  Discovery  Invention Social Change Sources of Social Change – Technology

15 Population  Changes in population bring about changes in the culture. Social Change Sources of Social Change – Population

16 Diffusion  The process of spreading culture traits from one culture to another.  Reformulation – the process of adapting borrowed cultural traits and making them your own. Social Change Sources of Social Change – Diffusion

17 Physical Environment  The environment provides conditions that may encourage or discourage cultural change.  In the six months after Hurricane Katrina, the murder rate in Houston rose 33%. Do you think there is a connection? Social Change Sources of Social Change – Physical Environment

18 Wars and Conquests  Wars and conquests are not as common as other sources of change, but they bring about the greatest change in the least amount of time. Social Change Sources of Social Change – Wars and Conquests

19  Ethnocentrism – Change that comes from outside a society meets with particularly strong resistance  Cultural Lag – Material culture usually changes faster than nonmaterial culture. Technological change often results in cultural lag. (Summer Break)  Vested Interests – A person who is satisfied with the way things are now, generally resists change. Resistance to Cultural Change

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