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HSB4U Chapter 4 Technology: An Agent of Social Change.

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Presentation on theme: "HSB4U Chapter 4 Technology: An Agent of Social Change."— Presentation transcript:

1 HSB4U Chapter 4 Technology: An Agent of Social Change

2 Introduction to Technology Everything’s Amazing and Nobody’s Happy: K8E

3 Agenda Poll: Technology in our lives What is technology and how has it affected our lives? Technological determinism

4 What is technology? Definition from textbook (p. 105): Technology is the creation of tools or objects that both extend our natural abilities and alter our social environment

5 Important technological developments in history Important Technology Changes How this extends a human quality SpearExtension of the arm FireExtension of the mouth ClothingExtension of skin GlassesExtension of eyes CarExtension of legs Pens/pencilsExtension of voice/ears/memory Forks/knivesExtension of hands/teeth

6 Do we control technological change in our society, or does the development of technology change our society beyond our control? We control tech. changeTech. changes society beyond our control Weapons used for defenseWeapons used for offense Security alarms invented for protection Security alarms give a false sense of security and may create paranoia Printing press makes information more accessible Propaganda, hate messages Internet helps social connection Surveillance/privacy infringement Medicine heals people, extends lifespan Addiction, overdose Telephone helps communication/connecting Distractions Camera Phone captures memories/important moments Invasion of privacy

7 Coping with Technology Dependence on digital technology:

8 Coping with Technology I can live without my smartphone. Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

9 Placemat Activity Divide chart paper like this:

10 Coping with Technology 1) Down the middle of your section of placemat, write a list of 10 technologies that have had a significant impact on you personally. 2) For each item on the list, draw a line to the left and a line to the right. 3) At the end of the line to the left, write one way in which this technology makes your life easier. 4) At the end of the line to the right, write one way it makes your life more difficult or something that frustrates you about the technology.

11 Coping with Technology

12 A.Negative/Unintended Consequences Fast food – unhealthy, GMOs Microsoft word – spelling/handwriting B. Future shock/speed Computers – quickly obsolete c. Hyper Culture/blurring values Microsoft word – feeling stressed Texting in social situations - RUUUDE d. Overdependence/technosis Cell phones Sleeping pills

13 Social Media: Force for Change or Barrier to Change?

14 Fahim, K. & El-Naggar, M. (2011, Feb. 8). Emotions of a reluctant hero galvanize protestors. Retrieved Oct. 14, 2012 from p/Reference/Times%20Topics/People/G/Ghonim,%20Wael?ref=waelghoni m p/Reference/Times%20Topics/People/G/Ghonim,%20Wael?ref=waelghoni m Wael Ghonim, centre, played a major role in Tahrir Square protests in Egypt by using Facebook and GoogleDocs

15 "The best way to get people away from their computer is through the computer; you can't organize thousands of people in New York City [the way Occupy Wall Street has] without the web" Occupy Wall Street: Social Media’s Role in Social Change (2011, June 6). Retrieved on March 19, 2014 from social-media_n_999178.html social-media_n_999178.html Social Media also played a major role in the Occupy Wall Street movement that started in New York City and quickly spread throughout the country.

16 Slacktivism "feel-good" measures, in support of an issue or social cause, that have little or no practical effect other than to make the person doing it take satisfaction from the feeling they have contributed.

17 Homework: Read ONE of these articles (on blog) Studies showing: Rewiring of teenagers brains – social media resulting in underdeveloped sense of empathy and lack of intimacy in friendships concepts-of-friendship-intimacy-1.2543158 Depression and Anxiety – Facebook makes us feel bad about ourselves Slacktivism – Supporting causes on social media reduces chances of actually contributing slacktivist_b_4390258.html htm

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