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P ROFESSIONALISM The term professionalism is defined as "1. professional character, spirit, or methods. 2. the standing, practice, or methods of a professional.

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Presentation on theme: "P ROFESSIONALISM The term professionalism is defined as "1. professional character, spirit, or methods. 2. the standing, practice, or methods of a professional."— Presentation transcript:


2 P ROFESSIONALISM The term professionalism is defined as "1. professional character, spirit, or methods. 2. the standing, practice, or methods of a professional. Persons who practice a profession and students who aspire to that profession can be identified by the professionalism they exhibit as they work with patients, interact with the public and other professionals, and make continuing career decisions. There are many issues to which professionals must attend and, by their choices, further define the profession. Training in a profession involves instruction and successful learning regarding foundations, theories, and methods that inform the practice of a profession

3  It is widely recognized that a professional needs to be aware of a range of issues much wider than the mere technical knowledge necessary to practice. Being member of a "profession" or a professional body carries ethical issues and responsibilities that should not be overlooked.  To be able to identify and understand the duties of an individual as a professional with the rest of the world, it is necessary to understand what is a profession and what is a professional body that governs practice of the profession.

4 P ROFESSIONAL I SSUES IN I NFORMATION T ECHNOLOGY  To function effectively, professional IT practitioners need not only the appropriate technical knowledge, skills and experience, but also a broad understanding of the context in which they operate.  A good grounding in the relationship between technological change, society and the law, and the powerful role that computers and computer professionals play in a technological society, is essential.

5  Professional Issues in Information Technology aids IT professionals to be capable in their chosen professional areas, operate effectively in work and community situations and to be aware of their environments.

6 Aims and Objectives of Professional issues in IT · assist students to develop a sense of professional responsibility · assist students in developing a professional code of ethics · explore the gamut of issues that an ICT professionals face in their careers · assist students in identifying and understanding current and emerging issues generated by an ever changing technology · analyze the impact of ICT on organizations and society

7  to develop an understanding of the relationship between computing, technological change, society and the law;  to emphasize the powerful role that computers and computer professionals play in a technological society;  to provide an understanding of legal areas which are relevant to the discipline of computing;  to provide an understanding of ethical concepts that are important to a computer professional;  to give experience in the consideration of ethical matters and solving ethical dilemmas.

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