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Bell work Look at the picture below. The first image represents the initial explosion of the big bang, and the following images represent the expansion.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell work Look at the picture below. The first image represents the initial explosion of the big bang, and the following images represent the expansion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell work Look at the picture below. The first image represents the initial explosion of the big bang, and the following images represent the expansion of the universe and the formation of the galaxies. Describe the differences between the images.

2 What are some things you already know?

3 Objectives Describe the big bang theory. Explain evidence used to support the big bang theory. Describe the structure of the universe. Describe two ways scientists calculate the age of the universe. Explain what will happen if the universe expands forever.

4 Cosmology is the study of the origin, properties, processes, and development of the universe. Galaxy Movement To understand how the universe formed, scientists study the movement of galaxies. A Raisin-Bread Model The universe, like the rising raisin bread dough, is expanding. Think of the raisins in the dough as galaxies. As the universe expands, the galaxies move farther apart. Universal Expansion

5 Click below to watch the Visual Concept. Visual Concept

6 Big Bang Theory

7 The Big Bang Theory A Tremendous Explosion The theory that the universe began with a tremendous explosion is called the big bang theory. Cosmic Background Radiation In 1964, two scientists using a huge antenna accidentally found radiation coming from all directions in space. One explanation for this radiation is that it is cosmic background radiation left over from the big bang.

8 Objectives Describe the big bang theory. Explain evidence used to support the big bang theory. Describe the structure of the universe. Describe two ways scientists calculate the age of the universe. Explain what will happen if the universe expands forever.

9 The Structure of the Universe What kind of Model is this? Can you label each picture? Universe Galaxy cluster Galaxy Planet Solar system Star cluster

10 How Old Is the Universe? Age of the Universe Scientist use to methods to study the age of the universe. By measuring the distance between Earth and various galaxies, scientists can predict the rate of expansion and calculate the age of the universe. Because the universe must at least be as old as the oldest stars it contains, the ages of the stars provide a clue to the age of the universe.

11 A Forever Expanding Universe The expansion of the universe depends on the amount of matter it contains. A large enough quantity of matter would cause gravity to stop the expansion. The universe could start collapsing. Scientist now think that there may not be enough matter in the universe, so the universe would continue to expand forever and become cold and dark as all the stars die.

12 Objectives Describe the big bang theory. Explain evidence used to support the big bang theory. Describe the structure of the universe. Describe two ways scientists calculate the age of the universe. Explain what will happen if the universe expands forever.

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