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Press ESC to exit Projection of Points School of Mechanical Engineering of DUT.

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Presentation on theme: "Press ESC to exit Projection of Points School of Mechanical Engineering of DUT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Press ESC to exit Projection of Points School of Mechanical Engineering of DUT

2 Press ESC to exit 1-3-3 1-4-2 1-3-5 1-4-1 1-3-1 1-3-4 1-3-2(2) 1-3-2(1) 1-5-2 1-5-3 1-2-2

3 Press ESC to exit 1-2-2. Inspect improper or incorrect dimensions and write all correct dimensions again in the below given graphics.

4 Press ESC to exit 1-3-1 Known points A (30,20,25) and B(10,15,15), present them with frontal, horizontal, profile projections, and pictorial drawings on the specified area.

5 Press ESC to exit 1-3-2(1) Given any two projections of the points, find the third projections for them.

6 Press ESC to exit 1-3-2(2) Given any two projections of the points, find the third projections for them.

7 Press ESC to exit 1-3-3 Spatial orientation of points. Fill 'up, down, left, right, front, and rear' ( relative to point A ) in the parentheses. Distance between point A and plane V is 10 mm. Distance between point A and plane W is 30 mm. ( up ) ( down ) ( left )( right ) ( rear ) ( left ) ( front ) ( right ) ( rear ) ( up ) ( front ) ( down )

8 Press ESC to exit 1-3-4 Known point B is 10mm left,15 mm above, and 10 mm behind point A. Find three-view projections for point B. o

9 Press ESC to exit 1-3-5 Ascertain which quadrant these points belong to respectively (fill in the blanks with Roman numerals). Point A: quadrant Point B: quadrant Point C: quadrant Point D: quadrant 4 3 1 2 a’ a b’ b c c’ d’ d

10 Press ESC to exit 1-4-1 Label three projections of the points about question (2) refer to question (1). (1)(2)

11 Press ESC to exit 1-4-2 Label points A and B in axonometric drawing, and judge the relative position between them. (Fill in the blanks with up, down, left, right, front, and rear ) (1)(2) above before On the left of above On the right of 0n the left of

12 Press ESC to exit 1-5-2 Taking (1) as an example, label the specified planes on the pictorial drawings with capital letters, indicate the other two projections of the planes and write down their names. V-perpendicular plane Horizontal plane Plane A Plane C Plane B Profile plane Line D Line E Line F V-perpendicular line H-perpendicular line Frontal line

13 Press ESC to exit 1-5-3 Taking (1) as an example, label the specified planes on the pictorial drawings with capital letters, indicate the other two projections of the planes and write down their names. Horizontal plane H-perpendicular plane Plane A Plane C Plane B Profile plane Line D Line E Line F Horizontal line H-perpendicular line W-perpendicular line

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