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Published byLynn Maxwell Modified over 9 years ago
Independence Dependence Interdependence PUBLIC VICTORY PRIVATE VICTORY Seek First to Understand … Then to be Understood Synergize Think Win/Win Put First Things First Be Proactive Begin with the End in Mind Sharpen the Saw THE SEVEN HABITS PARADIGM
PHYSICAL Exercise, Nutrition, Stress Management F OUR D IMENSIONS OF R ENEWAL F OUR D IMENSIONS OF R ENEWAL MENTAL Reading, Visualizing, Planning, Writing SOCIAL/EMOTIONAL Service, Empathy, Synergy, Intrinsic Security SPIRITUAL Value Clarification & Commitment, Study & Meditation
T HE U PWARD S PIRAL T HE U PWARD S PIRAL Learn Do Commit Learn Commit Do Do Learn Commit Learn Commit D o
P ROACTIVE M ODEL P ROACTIVE M ODEL StimulusResponse Freedom to Choose Self- Awareness Self- Awareness Imagination Imagination Conscience Conscience Independent Will Independent Will
Lose/Win High Low Win/Win Lose/LoseWin/Lose CONSIDERATION LowHigh COURAGE
L EVELS OF C OMMUNICATION L EVELS OF C OMMUNICATION TRUST Synergistic (Win/Win) Synergistic (Win/Win) COOPERATION Respectful (Compromise) Respectful (Compromise) Defensive (Win/Lose or Lose/Win) Defensive (Win/Lose or Lose/Win) Low High LowHigh
P ARADIGM S HIFTS A BREAK FROM TRADITIONAL WISDOM A BREAK FROM TRADITIONAL WISDOM TOWARD 7 HABITS PRINCIPLES TOWARD 7 HABITS PRINCIPLES H abit 1 H abit 1 We are a product of our environment and upbringing. H abit 2 H abit 2 Society is the source of our values. H abit 3 H abit 3 Reactive to the tyranny of the urgent. Acted upon by the environment. H abit 4 H abit 4 Win-lose. One-sided benefit. H abit 5 H abit 5 Fight, flight, or compromise when faced with conflict. H abit 6 H abit 6 Differences are threats. Independence is the highest value. Unity means sameness. H abit 7 H abit 7 Entropy. Burnout on one track - typically work. We are a product of our choices to our environment and upbringing. Values are self-chosen and provide foundation for decision making. Values flow out of principles. Actions flow from that which is important. Win-win. Mutual benefit. Communication solves problems. Differences are values and are opportunities for synergy. Continuous self-renewal and self- improvement.
B E P ROACTIVE B E P ROACTIVE I can forgive, forget, and let go of past injustices I’m aware that I’m responsible I’m the creative force of my life I choose my attitude, emotions, and moods
S EVEN H ABITS OF H IGHLY E FFECTIVE P EOPLE S EVEN H ABITS OF H IGHLY E FFECTIVE P EOPLE E FFECTIVE P EOPLE E FFECTIVE P EOPLE I NEFFECTIVE P EOPLE I NEFFECTIVE P EOPLE HABIT 1 HABIT 1 Be Proactive. Proactive people take responsibility for their own lives. They determine the agendas they will follow and choose their response to what happens around them. Be Reactive. Reactive people don’t take responsibility for their own lives. They feel victimized, a product of circumstances, their past, and other people. They do not see as the creative force of their lives.
Begin with the End in Mind. These people use personal vision, correct principles, and their deep sense of personal meaning to accomplish tasks in a positive and effective way. They live life based on self- chosen values and are guided by their personal mission statement. Begin with No End in Mind. These people lack personal vision and have not developed a deep sense of personal meaning and purpose. They have not paid the price to develop a mission statement and thus live life based on society’s values instead of self- chosen values. HABIT 2 HABIT 2 S EVEN H ABITS OF H IGHLY E FFECTIVE P EOPLE S EVEN H ABITS OF H IGHLY E FFECTIVE P EOPLE E FFECTIVE P EOPLE I NEFFECTIVE P EOPLE
Put First Things First. These people exercise discipline, and they plan and execute according to priorities. They also “walk their talk” and spend significant time in Quadrant II. Put Second Things First. These people are crisis managers who are unable to stay focused on high- leverage tasks because of their preoccupation with circumstances, their past, or other people. They are caught up in the “thick of thin things” and are driven by the urgent. HABIT 3 HABIT 3 S EVEN H ABITS OF H IGHLY E FFECTIVE P EOPLE S EVEN H ABITS OF H IGHLY E FFECTIVE P EOPLE E FFECTIVE P EOPLE I NEFFECTIVE P EOPLE
Think Win-Win. These people have an abundance mentality and the spirit of cooperation. They achieve effective communication and high trust levels in their Emotional Bank Accounts with others, resulting in rewarding relationships and greater power to influence. Think Win-Lose or Lose-Win. These people have a scarcity mentality and see life as a zero-sum game. They have ineffective communication skills and low trust levels in their Emotional Bank Accounts with others, result- ing in a defensive mentality and adversarial feelings. HABIT 4 HABIT 4 S EVEN H ABITS OF H IGHLY E FFECTIVE P EOPLE S EVEN H ABITS OF H IGHLY E FFECTIVE P EOPLE E FFECTIVE P EOPLE I NEFFECTIVE P EOPLE
Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood. Through perceptive observation and empathic listening, these non- judgmental people are intent on learning the needs, interests, and concerns of others. They are then able to courageously state their own needs and wants. Seek First to Be Understood. These people put forth their point of view based solely on their auto-biography and motives, without attempting to understand others first. They blindly prescribe without first diagnosing the problem. HABIT 5 HABIT 5 S EVEN H ABITS OF H IGHLY E FFECTIVE P EOPLE S EVEN H ABITS OF H IGHLY E FFECTIVE P EOPLE E FFECTIVE P EOPLE I NEFFECTIVE P EOPLE
Synergize. Effective people know that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. They value and benefit from differences in others, which results in creative cooperation and team-work. Compromise, Fight, or Flight. Ineffective people believe the whole is less than the sum of the parts. They try to “clone” other people in their own image. Differences in others are looked upon as threats. HABIT 6 HABIT 6 S EVEN H ABITS OF H IGHLY E FFECTIVE P EOPLE S EVEN H ABITS OF H IGHLY E FFECTIVE P EOPLE E FFECTIVE P EOPLE I NEFFECTIVE P EOPLE
Sharpen the Saw. Effective people are involved in self-renewal and self-improvement in the physical, mental, spiritual, and social- emotional areas, which enhance all areas off their life and nurture the other six habits. Wear Out the Saw. Ineffective people fall back, lose their interest, and get disordered. They lack a program of self-renewal and self-improvement and eventually lose the cutting edge they once had. HABIT 7 HABIT 7 S EVEN H ABITS OF H IGHLY E FFECTIVE P EOPLE S EVEN H ABITS OF H IGHLY E FFECTIVE P EOPLE E FFECTIVE P EOPLE I NEFFECTIVE P EOPLE
S EVEN P RINCIPLES UPON W HICH THE S EVEN H ABITS A RE B ASED S EVEN P RINCIPLES UPON W HICH THE S EVEN H ABITS A RE B ASEDThe Seven Habits center on timeless and universal principles of personal, interpersonal, managerial, and organizational effectiveness. Listed below are the seven principles upon which the Seven Habits are based-principles which are in our circle of influence.
1.The principle of continuous learning, of self- reeducation - the discipline that drives us toward the values we believe in. Such constant learning is required in today’s world, in light of the fact that many of us can expect to work in up to five radically different fields before we retire. 2.The principle of service, of giving oneself to others, of helping to facilitate other people’s work. S EVEN P RINCIPLES UPON W HICH THE S EVEN H ABITS A RE B ASED S EVEN P RINCIPLES UPON W HICH THE S EVEN H ABITS A RE B ASED
3.The principle of staying positive and optimistic, radiating positive energy - including avoiding the four emotional cancers (criticising complain- ing, comparing, and competing). 4.The principle of affirmation of others - treating people as proactive individuals who have great potential. 5.The principle of balance - the ability to identify our various roles and to spend appropriate amounts of time in, and focus on, all the impor- tant roles and dimensions of our life. Success in one area of our life cannot compensate for neglect or failure in other areas of our life. S EVEN P RINCIPLES UPON W HICH THE S EVEN H ABITS A RE B ASED S EVEN P RINCIPLES UPON W HICH THE S EVEN H ABITS A RE B ASED
6.The balance of spontaneity and serendipity - the ability to experience life with a sense of adventure, excitement, and fresh rediscovery, instead of trying to find a serious side to things that have no serious side. 7.The principle of consistent self-renewal and self- improvement in the four dimensions of one’s life: physical, mental, spiritual, and social- emotional. S EVEN P RINCIPLES UPON W HICH THE S EVEN H ABITS A RE B ASED S EVEN P RINCIPLES UPON W HICH THE S EVEN H ABITS A RE B ASED
Knowledge (what to, why to) Desire (want to) Skills (how to) HABITS E FFECTIVE H ABITS E FFECTIVE H ABITS
J UDGEMENT CHARACTER Integrity Maturity Abundance Mentality Interdependency COMPETENCE Technical skills Qualifications Knowledge Experience
FOUR UNIQUE HUMAN ENDOWMENTS 1.Self-awareness 2.Conscience 3.Imagination 4.Willpower
F OUR U NIQUE H UMAN E NDOWMENTS F OUR U NIQUE H UMAN E NDOWMENTS1. S elf-Awareness We begin to become self-aware and explore the programs we are living out. We come to realize that we stand apart from our pro-gramming and can even examine it. We also realize that between stimulus and response, we have the freedom to choose. This self-awareness then leads to the ability to look at other unique endowments in our secret life.
Our conscience is our internal sense of right and wrong, our “moral nature.” It is the “greater harmonizer” and “balance wheel” of all the principles that govern our behaviour. Our conscience gives us a sense of the degree to which our thoughts and actions are in harmony with our principles. 2. C onscience F OUR U NIQUE H UMAN E NDOWMENTS F OUR U NIQUE H UMAN E NDOWMENTS
We can visit the power of the mind to create or to imagine that which does not exist now. In that imagination lie our faith and our hope for the future. We look at what is possible, what we can envision. 3. P ower P ower of Imagination F OUR U NIQUE H UMAN E NDOWMENTS F OUR U NIQUE H UMAN E NDOWMENTS
Willpower refers to our determination, our resoluteness - our ability to act based solely on our self-awareness. We ask ourselves, “Am I really willing to the distance on my mission statement?” “Am I willing to walk my talk?” “Am I really willing to put first things first in spite of external distractions and pressures?” “Am I going to live a life of total integrity?” 4. W illpower W illpower or Independent Will F OUR U NIQUE H UMAN E NDOWMENTS F OUR U NIQUE H UMAN E NDOWMENTS
Developing a mission statement is foundational to Habit 2, Begin with the End in Mind. It sets general guidelines for our life based on our values and our roles and goals. There are four basic characteristics of good mission statements, whether they be personal, family, or organizational mission statements. B ASIC C HARACTERISTICS OF G OOD M ISSION S TATEMENTS B ASIC C HARACTERISTICS OF G OOD M ISSION S TATEMENTS
1.A mission statement should be timeless and changeless. Because goals are not timeless, they should not be included. Mission state- ments should be based upon unchanging core principles that operate regardless of present realities or situations. This changeless core will enable us to live with changes inside other people and inside the environment. As our consciousness grows and we mature, we will gradually strengthen, deepen, and improve our mission statement. Nevertheless, we should always initially write our mission statement as if it will never change - as if it were timeless. B ASIC C HARACTERISTICS OF G OOD M ISSION S TATEMENTS B ASIC C HARACTERISTICS OF G OOD M ISSION S TATEMENTS
2.A mission statement should deal with both ends and means. Ends have to do with what we are about. Means have to do with how we go about achieving those ends. Principles are what we implements to achieve those ends. Ends and means are inseparable. In truth, ends preexist in the means. “You’ll never achieve a worthy end through unworthy means.” B ASIC C HARACTERISTICS OF G OOD M ISSION S TATEMENTS B ASIC C HARACTERISTICS OF G OOD M ISSION S TATEMENTS
3.A mission statement should deal with all four of our basic needs: a.To live (our physical and economic needs) b.To love and to be loved (our cultural and social ends) c.To learn (our needs to grow, develop, be recognized, and be useful) d.To leave a legacy (our spiritual need for meaning, for feeling that life matters, that we add value and make a difference. B ASIC C HARACTERISTICS OF G OOD M ISSION S TATEMENTS B ASIC C HARACTERISTICS OF G OOD M ISSION S TATEMENTS
4.A mission statement should deal with all the significant roles of our life, such as a parent, teacher, manager, neighbour, and so forth. “Internalizing” our mission statement will also help us get a clear understanding of what is truly important. Goethe once said, “Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.” This means that we learn how to say no at appropriate times. Every time we say yes to something that is of little or no importance, we are saying no to something that is more important. Almost every day, most of us are caught in circum- stances where we should say no but don’t. We often lack the ability to utter a firm but gracious no. B ASIC C HARACTERISTICS OF G OOD M ISSION S TATEMENTS B ASIC C HARACTERISTICS OF G OOD M ISSION S TATEMENTS
S IX L EVELS OF I NITIATIVE S IX L EVELS OF I NITIATIVE 1 Wait for instructions 2 Ask for instructions 3 Bring recommendations 4 Use own judgement, report immediately 5 Use own judgement, report routinely 6 Use own judgement, not necessary to report
. Crisis. Pressing problems. Deadline-driven projects, meetings, preparations. Preparation. Prevention. Values clarification. Planning. Relationship building. True re-creation. Empowerment. Interruptions, some phone calls. Some mail, some reports. Some meetings. Many proximate, pressing matters. Many popular activities. Trivia, busywork. Some phone calls. Time wasters. “Escape” activities. Irrelevant mail. Excessive TV III IIIIV UrgentNot Urgent Important Not Important
Duplicity Unkindness Violated expectations Outside stress and pressures Time wasters Interruptions Pressing problems Crises P ERSONAL I MMUNE S YSTEM P ERSONAL I MMUNE S YSTEM Live the Seven Habits Spend time in Quadrant II Follow correct principles Control own life Maintain high Emotional Bank Account with self and others Maintain reserve capacity Be resilient Empower and serve others Communicate Empathically Synergize with others using a win-win approach
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