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Year 7 History Homework Research Project taking 2 ½ hours

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1 Year 7 History Homework Research Project taking 2 ½ hours

2 You will have 2 weeks research time – a total of 2 ½ hours homework.
This is your chance to research a homework topic that you have chosen yourself. You will have 2 weeks research time – a total of 2 ½ hours homework. You can choose how you present your research – make a film, a power point, a game or even a model This is your chance to enter the History/Humanities Technology Student of the year award. There is an IT prize for the best!!!!!

3 Year 7 History project Click on your choice
Medieval music?/Literature /books Diseases, Black Death ! Cathedrals, Monasteries and Churches Year 7 History project Food Archaeology – digging up old stuff. Fashion and clothes Military/Armour/weapons/fighting Castles Or anything else that interests you about the Middle Ages!




7 Follow the links to get some idea – but find your own stuff as well!
Medieval Music What was medieval music? Was it all Church Music? They had dancing and party music. Can you find any free files to download – to bring in so we can all hear? Remember to get material from before 1500. Follow the links to get some idea – but find your own stuff as well! Click to go to main page

8 Diseases and the Black Death
The Black Death, sometimes called the Bubonic Plague, or Great plague came in the 1300’s. About a third of the country was killed. Investigate the disease, its symptoms, and the cures they thought might work. Follow the links to get some idea – but find your own stuff as well! Click to go to main page

9 Cathedrals Monasteries and Churches
In the Middle Ages, the Church owned 25% of England, and spent great wealth on building wonderful buildings. Find one, perhaps Lincoln Cathedral, and investigate it. Follow the links to get some idea – but find your own stuff as well! Click to go to main page

10 Archaeology – digging stuff up
Archaeologists are always discovering evidence in the ground. This ranges from leather shoes and bits of clothing, to fantastic jewellery. Can you find examples of things found by Archaeologists that might help us understand the Middle Ages. Follow the links to get some idea – but find your own stuff as well! Click to go to main page

11 Military/Armour/weapons/fighting
What weapons, armour, designs and types were there? How were the poor protected in battle? How could you kill a knight ? Investigate! Follow the links to get some idea – but find your own stuff as well! Click to go to main page

12 Follow the links to get some idea – but find your own stuff as well!
Castles Investigate a castle, why was it built where it was? Why was it built/ How much did it cost? Try Lincoln, Harlech, Caernavon or any other one. Follow the links to get some idea – but find your own stuff as well! Click to go to main page

13 Follow the links to get some idea – but find your own stuff as well!
Food We can still find cookbooks from those days. Can you find recipes, pictures? Can you cook any recipes you can find and bring the food in? We’d all like to try some! Follow the links to get some idea – but find your own stuff as well! Click to go to main page

14 Follow the links to get some idea – but find your own stuff as well!
Fashion and clothes The poor had one change of clothes – and the rich many fantastic garments? What were the styles? How much did the cost? What was their “bling” – how did they show off with their clothes.?! Follow the links to get some idea – but find your own stuff as well! Click to go to main page

15 General guidelines At the very least be prepared to present your research on a poster with good illustrations and presentation which can be displayed. Think about other ways/technology for presenting your research: an interactive game, audio visual commentary of a visit, a film, an animation or a model. Have fun!

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