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The Southern Colonies Objective : I can identify cultural reasons for the settlement of the Southern colonies. Preview : (WRITE NONE) Pick up your last.

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Presentation on theme: "The Southern Colonies Objective : I can identify cultural reasons for the settlement of the Southern colonies. Preview : (WRITE NONE) Pick up your last."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Southern Colonies Objective : I can identify cultural reasons for the settlement of the Southern colonies. Preview : (WRITE NONE) Pick up your last colored sheet of the week, set up the same way. Process : Southern Colonies notes/foldable On Your Own : Colonial Reading Comprehension (reading/answer questions)

3 New England Middle and Southern Colonies


5 Virginia Founded by : John Smith (Jamestown) Year : 1607 Reason: search for gold/later grow tobacco Policy: “If you don’t work you don’t eat” 1614: John Rolfe sent tobacco to England and the colony began to make money.

6 Maryland Founded by: Leonard Calvert (aka Lord Baltimore) Year: 1634 Reason: Maryland became a safe haven for English Catholics Unusual level of religious freedom— Wrote the (Maryland) Act of Toleration 1649 guaranteed toleration to all Christians. Made hate speech toward religions illegal

7 North Carolina Founded by: 8 Nobles (called Lord Proprietors) Year: 1653 (1729) Reason: Small Tobacco farming Edward Hyde and George Monck 

8 South Carolina Founded by: 8 Lord Proprietors Year: 1663 (1729 split) Reason: large plantation farmers Charles Town: becomes largest port city in the South. Modern day Charleston.

9 The Carolinas in General Named for King Charles (Carolina Latin form of his name) Indian wars and attacks by pirates (Blackbeard!) made it hard to control.

10 Georgia Founded by: James Oglethorpe Year: 1733 Reason: Originally created for people who had been jailed for not paying debts in England – Work off debt “Debtors Colony” – No Catholics allowed – BUFFER ZONE BETWEEN SPANISH FLORIDA AND THE REST OF THE COLONIES

11 Economy Ideal for plantation crops – indigo, rice, tobacco, cotton – “Cotton is King” Plantations were largely self- sufficient, so very few large cities developed in the South.

12 Southern Colonies Southern society less economically & ethnically diverse than all other sections Society very hierarchal & class oriented 1. Top = Large Planters (~1-2%); Large farms w/ 25+ slaves; 70% of all wealth 2. Middle = small independent farmers; few (10 -) slaves 3. Bottom = Landless whites, farm hands 4. Servants = Ind. Servants

13 Geography/Conflict Geography Very isolated society based around: – Plantations/farms and – waterways All slave colonies Cities are rare Tobacco growth ruins soil Conflicts American Indians Entitlement to land issues—who has a right to these lands Tension between plantation owners and slaves


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