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Guidelines for Presentations Hasan Çam Computer Science and Engineering Department Arizona State University.

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Presentation on theme: "Guidelines for Presentations Hasan Çam Computer Science and Engineering Department Arizona State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Guidelines for Presentations Hasan Çam Computer Science and Engineering Department Arizona State University

2 Acknowledgements Purdue University EPICS (Engineering Projects in Community Service) endpresentation.php

3 Presentation Organization and Content For each of your team's projects, your presentation should summarize: The motivation for the project; Why is this project important? The goals of the project Technical progress that has been made this semester on the project. Information that helps the audience to know why you implemented the project as you did (i.e., rationale for design decisions). Status (which includes expected delivery date and other major tasks still to be completed for your project).

4 Presentation Organization and Content (cont’d) Describe the project using language that can be understood by a general audience Terminology that may be unfamiliar should be defined for the audience Establish the "big picture" before you jump into the details Show a picture of the overall project before you talk about the specifics of the project. (It is easier to understand all of your work on a specific part of the project when we know where it fits on the overall design) Or show a block diagram of the functionality of a design before discussing the details of one of the submodules

5 Make sure you give credit to other semester's teams or other sources for their work on the project. Demonstrations, pictures and videotapes of working project are encouraged! Presentation Organization and Content (cont’d)

6 Demonstrations, pictures and videotapes of working project are encouraged! Use pictures/visuals when appropriate instead of text; ("A picture is worth a thousand words!") Make sure your slides are readable (color, font size, amount of text on a slide) Audiovisual Aides

7 Practice your presentation; It is appropriate for each individual speaker to practice his/her portion several times individually AND for the presentation team to practice the full presentation several times. Make sure you are speaking to the audience and not reading the screen! Speak about your project work with enthusiasm! Presentation Delivery

8 The audience may be asked to rate a team's presentation on the following four areas on a scale of strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree or strongly disagree Delivery Organization Content Audiovisual aids Presentation Assessment Note: The criteria to be used for the assessment of all above areas are shown on the forthcoming slides.

9 The criteria to be used to assess “Delivery”: Presenters engaged my interest throughout the presentation. The presentation flowed smoothly from one speaker to another. Presenters spoke to the audience and not to the screen. Presenters seemed comfortable talking to a large audience. Presentation Assessment (cont’d)

10 The criteria to be used to assess “Organization”: Presenters established the overall project concept or goal before providing detail information. The presentation flowed smoothly from one idea to another. The presentation was organized in a logical fashion. The presentation time was allocated well. Presentation Assessment (cont’d)

11 The criteria to be used to assess “Content”: Presenters displayed expertise in their subject matter. Presenters conveyed an appropriate level of detail for this audience and presentation. Presenters described their discipline specific work in terms this audience could understand. Presenters provided rationale and/or background for their design decisions It was clear that the objective of the project was met. Presentation Assessment (cont’d)

12 The criteria to be used to assess “Audiovisual Aids”: Audiovisual aids were interesting and not distracting. Slides were easy to read. Audiovisual aids were appropriate for the information being conveyed. Presentation Assessment (cont’d)

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