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Age & Gender Issues in Information Science Kathleen Padova, March 2015.

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1 Age & Gender Issues in Information Science Kathleen Padova, March 2015

2 Personal Naming Customs Ruiz-Pérez R, López-Cózar ED, Jiménez-Contreras E. Spanish personal name variations in national and international biomedical databases: implications for information retrieval and bibliometric studies. Journal of the Medical Library Association. 2002;90(4):411-430. Spanish cultural naming customs not consistently supported in databases or cataloging or even supplied by author. Spanish Cataloging Rules for Uniform Headings: First surname second surname, first name Example: Aguilar Peña, David First surname second surname, first name middle name Example: Bermúdez García, José María The more prolific an author, the more name variants. Affects indexing/information retrieval by name.

3 Gender indicators in Research Lewison, Grant. The quantity and quality of female researchers: a bibliometric study of Iceland Scientometrics 52.1 (2001): 29-43. Icelandic surnames typically indicate gender with suffixes such as –son (M), –ason (M), –sson(M), and – dottir (F). Can the surname suffixes be used to determine research output by females? Yes, however: Technique cannot necessarily extend to other countries/cultures Global research community means more international names in databases

4 Age, Gender & Information-Seeking Behavior Spence, Patric R.; Westerman, David; Skalski, Paul D.; Seeger, Matthew; Sellnow, Timothy L.; Ulmer, Robert R. Gender and Age Effects on Information-Seeking after 9/11 Communication Research Reports. Nov2006, Vol. 23 Issue 3, p217-223. How do age and sex impact the use of media to obtain information to reduce uncertainty? Predictions were based on previous research: MediaPredictionActualAge RadioFemales No TelevisionMalesFemalesNo PrintFemalesSame M/FYes - Younger Internet--Yes - MalesYes - Younger Impact on crisis messaging design

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