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HR 1004 Organisations, Management and People Week 1 Lecture 1 Introduction to the Module Module Leader: Wilma Garvin.

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Presentation on theme: "HR 1004 Organisations, Management and People Week 1 Lecture 1 Introduction to the Module Module Leader: Wilma Garvin."— Presentation transcript:

1 HR 1004 Organisations, Management and People Week 1 Lecture 1 Introduction to the Module Module Leader: Wilma Garvin

2 Overview An overview of the structure, content and aims of the module which is to provide first year finance and accounting students with a basic insight into and understanding of the complexity and and dynamism of businesses and organisations in terms of both the internal and broader external factors which affect them.

3 Learning Outcomes At the end of this lecture, you should have gained: an understanding of the purpose and structure of the course, including content, methods of teaching and assessment an initial insight into the dynamic environment within which businesses operate, including their relationship with their broader environment; their internal structures, organisation and operation; and the need to ensure the most efficient and effective use of their key resource – the people they employ

4 I therefore want to cover three key areas T hree key areas 1. The structure of the course how we propose to teach it 2. The methods of assessment 3. An overview of the basic content of the course All available on UELPlus

5 The Structure of the Course 11 weeks of lectures, workshop and seminars Each week consists of two hour lecture-main principles of topic discussed – need to read recommended texts Lecture followed by one hour workshop and seminar – generally based on case studies which will be discussed either individually/in groups. Four hours in total in class but in addition you are expected to carry out independent learning – reading around texts, quality newspapers, making notes – in order to meet required standards. See reading list in handbook

6 Methods of Assessment – Coursework Assignment and Group presentation One assignment: a case study to take away and analyse. Planned to take place between weeks 8 and 10. Word limit of 1200 Group presentation to be held at end of semester A and consist of groups presenting orally and in written form on an organisation of their choice Coursework assignment = 50% Presentation = 50% The pass mark for both assignment and presentation is 40% and both need to be passed to pass the unit as a whole

7 The Basic Content – An Overview of the Course Organisations/businesses both dynamic and complex: in terms of relationship with Far environment Internal structure, organisation,and operation Need to ensure efficient/effective use of key resource – the people they employ Designed specifically for first year finance and accounting students

8 The Main Internal and External “Environmental“ factors which impact on and are affected by behaviour within organisations External factors – economic developments, the State, technology Internal factors – the structuring of business activities, including key operational areas such as marketing and human resource management The methods by which management seeks to influence the behaviour of workers in pursuit of organisational goals and aims The development of your knowledge and understanding of some of the key techniques, processes and procedures required to ensure optimum use and deployment of human resources

9 Business in Context

10 1.1WHAT IS BUSINESS?  An organized effort to produce goods and services to meet the needs of society  A broad concept - manufacturing and service industry, not for profit organizations, voluntary sector and public services  The growth of the ‘business model’ in which all organizations are run as businesses


12 1.3BUSINESS ACTIVITIES  Innovation  Operations  Marketing  Human resource management  Finance and accounting

13 1.4THE ORGANIZATIONAL CONTEXT  Goals  Structure  Ownership  Size  Organizational/corporate culture

14 1.5THE ENVIRONMENTAL CONTEXT  Globalization – an overriding factor  The economy  The state  Technology  Labour  Culture


16 1.7THE CONTINGENCY APPROACH  Organizations and their activities are shaped by the environments in which they operate  Organizations should adapt to the prevailing environment  Most successful organizations have a ‘best fit’ with their environment  Organizations that do not adapt will fail

17 Features of a STEP analysis Sociological factors include: (1) demographics, (2) life styles and (3) the social values of a society. (shifts in population characteristics, the emergence of new life styles and changing social values.) Technological factors: technological progress or advances that are taking place in a society, such as new products, processes and materials, or the general level of scientific advances, and how these affect other STEP factors. Economic factors: set of economic factors and conditions confronting all industries in a society: a particularly significant concern for for-profit organisations within the macroenvironment. Political factors include: (1) political processes occurring in a society, and (2) the actions of regulatory institutions that shape codes of conduct. (Source: adapted from Fahey and Narayanan, 1986, p. 28 )

18 STEP A model of the macro environment surrounding each organisation (Source: based on Fahey and Narayanan, 1986, p. 29)

19 CORE COMPETENCIES  Focus on those resources and activities that produce competitive advantage  Integration of knowledge, technology and activities to give customers added value (Hamel and Prahalad, 1990)  Kay (1993) identifies 3 broad components - Architecture - Reputation - Innovative ability  But how easily can they be copied? Barney (1991) VRIN/VRIS (valuable because they are rare, inimitable and not easy substitutable)

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