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Ch.5 An Age of Empires: Rome & Han China 753 B.C.E.-600 C.E.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch.5 An Age of Empires: Rome & Han China 753 B.C.E.-600 C.E."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch.5 An Age of Empires: Rome & Han China 753 B.C.E.-600 C.E.

2 Italy

3 Environment Italy-crossroads of Mediterranean Rome-crossroads of Italy

4 Rome’s in 753 B.C.E.

5 Origins The legend: Romulus & Remus-grown by a she-wolf, founded the city Rome –founded in 753 B.C. on 7 hills


7 Social structure Basis of society: family, multiple generations + slaves Paterfamilias: absolute power Patricians-rich Plebeians-poor Fights among them: “Conflict of the Order”

8 On what depended social status, political privileges, fundamental values?

9 Economy Agricultural society Basis of wealth: land Trade Territory rich in metals (iron): N-W Etruria

10 Political organization 1) Monarchy 753 -507 B.C.E. ( Romulus- Tarquinius Superbus) 2) Roman Republic 507 -31 B.C.E. Rulers: Senate, Council of Elders, several assemblies All male citizens able to attend

11 Was the Roman Republic a democracy? Who had the real power?

12 Answers Votes of wealthy counted more than the ones of the poor Senate

13 Political org. 450 B.C.E. Conflict of the Order:plebeians refused to work The laws: on 12 stone tablets New officials: tribunes ( lower classes)

14 What was the purpose of the 12 stone tablets? Was the new structure efficient?

15 Political org. Tribunes- power to block any action of the Assembly that was against the interests of the lower classes Patricians: brought the tribunes into their class. Patron-client relationship: Patron-wealthy, offered protection Clients: poor, political, military support, agric. work

16 Religion Polytheistic Small sacrifices: cakes, wine Jupiter-Zeus, Mars-Ares, Venus-Aphrodita Numina Pax Deorum( Peace of the gods)-covenant between the gods & the Roman state People: sacrifices, gods: protection, success

17 Women No property Under male authority the whole life Less constrained than Greek women In time they got more rights influence

18 Expansion a) in Italy b) in the Mediterranean

19 Why did the Romans expand so much?

20 1) aggressiveness 2) insecurity-buffer states-further expansion Well organized army; set up camps A) expanded in Italy: conflicts among pastoral tribes & agric. population B) 264-202-conquered Phoenicians expanded in Mediterranean: Sicily, Sardinia, Spain

21 200-146 wars against Hellenistic kingdoms 59-51 Caesar conquered Gaul (S France) New provinces: local administration & tax collection A senator sent to administer it Romans accorded citizenship to conquered people

22 Why did the Romans accord citizenship to conquered peoples?

23 The failure of the Republic Political causes 1) civil wars( 88-31 B.C.E.) 2)armies were more loyal to their leader than to the state

24 The failure of the Republic Economical causes 1) the appearance of the latifundia (herds, wine instead of grains) 2) Roman cities became dependent of imported grains 3)peasants-difficulty in finding a job because of the slaves 4) poverty 5) lower no. of eligible soldiers

25 Octavianus Princeps Augustus

26 The Roman Principate (31 B.C.E.-330 C.E.) Octavian (31 B.C.-14 C.E.) Maintained the forms of the Republic Founded the Principate Military dictator Expanded the empire: Egypt, parts of Middle East, Central Europe After him, the empire was ruled by emperors from different families

27 The greatest expansion of the Roman Empire

28 Questions 1 )Why did he never call himself emperor? 2) How was the throne transmitted into the Roman Empire?

29 Caesar’s death

30 3) Why wasn’t the throne transmitted hereditary? 4) How was the emperor chosen? 5) Why did a cult of worship of the living emperor develop? 6) What was the source of law in the Roman Empire?

31 Way of life 80 % of population lived in villages 20 % in cities; Rome, Alexandria, Carthage Rome Forum, government buildings Temples, gardens Public baths, theaters Rich: town-houses Poor: slums

32 Roman Forum

33 Way of life Cities organized based on Rome’s model led by a town council +2 elected officials Pax Romana –period of peace, stability & prosperity during the first 2 centuries C.E. guaranteed by the Roman power

34 The Colosseum

35 What was the most enduring consequence of the Roman Empire?

36 Romanization spread of Latin language and Roman way of life into the conquered territories Factors of Romanization?

37 Factors of Romanization Language Administration Cities-built on Rome’s model Veterans School Christianity

38 Third-Century Crisis (235-284) Political causes: 1) frequent changes of emperors-civil wars- instability 2)attacks from Germanic tribes

39 Economical causes: Inflation Declined of trade Drained treasury Demand of higher taxes-barter economy

40 Social causes Population moved from cities to villages People find protection in local landowners

41 How was the crisis solved?

42 Diocletian( 284-305) Reforms 1) controlled market prices 2) frozed professional mobility Stopped only temporary the collapse of the Roman Empire

43 Constantine( 306-337) 312, battle of Milvian Bridge, victory( cross) 313, Edict of Milan (freedom of worship to Christians) Unified the empire under a single religion Moved the capital from Rome to Constantinople

44 Why did Constantine stop the Christians ’persecution?

45 The decline of the Roman Empire 392, emperor Theodosius made Christianity the official & unique religion of the Roman Empire 395 the Roman Empire was divided in 2: Western part-decline Eastern part-flourished, the Byzantine Empire The Western part-attacked by migrating peoples: Germanic tribes( Visigoths, Ostrogoths)

46 The end of the Roman Empire 476,the Western part collapsed W-divided into many Germanic kingdoms The Eastern part will survive for 1,000 more years under the name the Byzantine Empire

47 Technology Roads Arches Concrete Ballistic weapons Aqueducts System of writing: alphabet

48 Roman road (Appian Way)

49 Roman Aqueduct

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