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Baron de Montesquieu By: Deirdre McAndrew, Mia Diefenderfer, and Samantha Noll.

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Presentation on theme: "Baron de Montesquieu By: Deirdre McAndrew, Mia Diefenderfer, and Samantha Noll."— Presentation transcript:

1 Baron de Montesquieu By: Deirdre McAndrew, Mia Diefenderfer, and Samantha Noll

2 BIOGRAPHY Where was Montesquieu born? He was born on January 19 th 1689 at La Brede near Bordeaux in France.

3 BIOGRAPHY What was Montesquieu’s upbringing like? He grew up in a noble and prosperous family. He attended Oratorian College de Juilly. He received a law degree from the University of Bordeaux in 1708. He continued his legal studies in Paris.

4 BIOGRAPHY What were some of his major works? The Persian Letters Was about two Persians who wrote letters to each other about their journeys to Europe. The Spirit of the Laws Written to break down and analyze human laws and social behaviors.

5 PHILOSOPHICAL IDEAS Liberalism An economic theory advocating free competition and a self-regulating market He was among the greatest philosophers of Liberalism Climate and Geography Montesquieu thought that climate and geography affected the customs of a countries population.

6 PHILOSOPHICAL IDEAS Commerce Thought that commerce had no disadvantages when comparing to conquering and mining precious metals. Religion He thought that religion was used to perfect an individual not the welfare of a society.

7 GOVERNMENT Three types of government Republican governments Monarchies Despotisms

8 Opinions How could this thinker affect a desire for American separation from England? New ideas Allowed people to think for themselves Suggested different forms of government

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