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Animal Rights Are you a speciesist?. Animal Rights in the News.

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Presentation on theme: "Animal Rights Are you a speciesist?. Animal Rights in the News."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal Rights Are you a speciesist?

2 Animal Rights in the News

3 Definitions Sentient = the ability to perceive or feel things Speciesism = the assumption of human superiority leading to the exploitation of animals

4 Historical Legislation Making a huge movement (where Gay Rights were 25 years ago) Genesis 1:20-28 = "dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." 1641 by Descartes = Animals can’t feel pain, no minds, souls, and don’t have reason

5 Historical Legislation Con’t 1635 = laws against ploughs to horses tails/wool off sheep 1693 = Locke says do feel pain, unnecessary pain is morally wrong 1754 = Rousseau says should be part of natural law because they are sentient 1789 = Benthem says it’s the ability to suffer, not reasoning that changes how we deal with them

6 Historical Legislation Con’t 1824 = Society for the Prevention of the Cruelty to Animals (Britain) 1866 = SPCA in USA 1933 = Nazi Party with most comprehensive animal rights legislation in EU (human testing was problematic (health) so redone on some animals Post WWII = increase in industrialized farming and new concerns/legislation

7 Historical Legislation Con’t 1970 = coined “speciesism” (Richard Ryder) 1975 = Animal Liberation (Singer) 1976 = Animal Liberation Front (ALF) 1980 = People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)

8 Peter Singer’s (pro) Utilitarian based Rightness of an act based on consequences of actions with regards to pleasure or pain They can feel pain, and therefore must have equal consideration in decision making

9 Tom Regan’s (pro) Animals have inherent value and cannot be used as a means to an end Cognitive abilities are possessed by some non- human animals, stronger than some humans and therefore rights must be given to them While a really young child doesn’t make moral decisions, but is rather a ‘moral patient’, animals fall under the same category and should be protected by rights

10 Carl Cohen (con) No to granting personhood to animals Holders of rights must distinguish between their own interests and what is right Against Singer’s young child because Cohen argues that you don’t look at humans individually, but rather as a species in general

11 Roger Scruton (con) Rights imply obligations Idea of rights and responsibilities is distinct to human condition, seems illogical to spread it elsewhere Anthropomorphism Cat’s affection, but really selfish Dog’s affection, regardless of what we do to them

12 Posner-Singer Debate 10109/ 10109/ Letter Task

13 Posner-Singer Debate Task: identify and analyze points made summarize arguments experience dialogue between Singer/Posner understand the finer points of such a debate

14 Posner-Singer Debate What did you find about them? Use of their own words against them Finding common grounds (agreements) Use of plenty of examples (sharing examples) Defining terms used Friendly-ish manor

15 Generally Specific Discussion Topics Where is the line between discussing an issue like being a vegan, and following someone around slap food out of their hands that have animal byproducts in them? Should we reconsider our eating habits? What might animal rights look like?

16 For Next Week Bring pen/paper

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