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Published byKerry Cannon Modified over 9 years ago
A Physical Interpretation of Difference Variances Victor S. Reinhardt 2007 Joint Meeting of the European Time and Frequency Forum (EFTF) and the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IEEE-FCS) Geneva, Switzerland May 29 - June 1, 2007 Copyright 2007 Victor S. Reinhardt--Rights to copy material is granted so long as a source reference is listed on each page, section, or graphic utilized.
Page 2 A Physical Interpretation of Difference Variances V.S. Reinhardt A Physical Interpretation of Difference Variances of the Time Error x(t) Most variances of x(t) used in the industry can be written as M th order difference variances x,M 2 or their sample statistics Most variances of x(t) used in the industry can be written as M th order difference variances x,M 2 or their sample statistics E{..} more appropriate for this paper than E{..} more appropriate for this paper than M defined so all x,M 2 equal for uncorrelated white noise M defined so all x,M 2 equal for uncorrelated white noise But not all x,M 2 equal for neg- (neg power law) noise But not all x,M 2 equal for neg- (neg power law) noise Then which order M of x,M 2 most appropriate to measure random residual error in a given problem? Paper will answer question by providing a rationale for choosing M FSCS2007 figs.doc 9.05” width x,M 2 = M -1 E{[ ( ) M x(t)] 2 } ( )x(t) x(t+ ) - x(t)
Page 3 A Physical Interpretation of Difference Variances V.S. Reinhardt To Address Question Must Investigate Behavior of x(t) Over Long Interval T x(t) generally separated into causal environmental & aging factors plus a random residual error x(t) generally separated into causal environmental & aging factors plus a random residual error Ignoring spurs, etc., but won’t effect over-all conclusions Environmental sensitivity to temp, power supply, etc. Environmental sensitivity to temp, power supply, etc. Environmental coefficients can be determined from data over time <<T where other factors small Will assume x(t) has environment already removed & removal has little impact on long term behavior of x(t) Aging – Model as (M-1) th order polynomial Aging – Model as (M-1) th order polynomial Will assume A & env coeffs not functions of time over T Must determine A over ~T for accurate determination Thus long term random errors will impact aging determination Residual & variance Residual x r,M (t) = x(t) – x a,M (t,A) & variance r,M (t) 2 = E{x r,M (t) 2 } C Coefficients in x a,M (t,A) are determined by fit to data over T Behavior of aging fit will lead us to our rationale for choosing x,M 2 T x(t) w/o Env t Tot Aging x a,M (t,A) Residual x r,M (t) toto
Page 4 A Physical Interpretation of Difference Variances V.S. Reinhardt Behavior of Aging Fit When Neg- Noise is Present Model x(t) over T as Model x(t) over T as True aging x a,M (A (0),t) plus random power law noise L x (f) f Can use least squares fit (LSQF) to determine A from N samples x n over T Can use least squares fit (LSQF) to determine A from N samples x n over T r,M = RMS residual from estimated x a,M (A,t) = Est – true aging x a,M = x a,M (t,A) – x a,M (t,A (o) ) = Est – true aging For white-x (f 0 ) noise For white-x (f 0 ) noise r,M 2 & x a,M 0 as N (BW large) However for neg- noise ( -2) However for neg- noise ( -2) f -1 noise more like white-x noise r,M 2 & x a,M do not 0 as N True aging can’t be recovered below level of long term noise (in single meas over T) Must ensemble average over many data sets to reduce error further Problem for real frequency sources unless aging model valid over t >> T Each device has unique aging coefficients long term error-1.xls f 0 Noise r,M approx the same for all f -2 Noise Est Aging x a,M True Aging xnxn t f -4 Noise x r,M
Page 5 A Physical Interpretation of Difference Variances V.S. Reinhardt Further Properties of Aging Solutions for Neg- Noise Numerical LSQF solutions for M=2 Numerical LSQF solutions for M=2 T = 4K points generated of x(t) = x a,2 (A (0),t) + f noise Estimated A determined by LSQF using N = 2 to 2K samples spaced over T RMS r,2 & x a,2 averaged over all 4K points & LSQF for all possible start offsets r,2 relatively insensitive to # of samples in LSQF (esp for neg- ) For neg- noise: RMS x a,2 > RMS r,2 Expected for correlated noise Theoretical LSQF Solutions Theoretical LSQF Solutions Can write formal solution in terms of R x ( ) & Green’s functions Doesn’t lead us to our goal of obtaining a physical interpretation for x,M 2 Solutions increase in complexity with M A simpler approach that will lead us to our goal is next topic Errors in LSQF for x a,2 (A,t) = a 0 + a 1 t 0 deg of freedom (2 Samples in LSQF) Samples in LSQF 1101001K RMS r,2 f 0 Noise 2 1 0 2 1 0 f -2 Noise RMS x a,2 2 1 0 f -4 Noise RMS x a,2 RMS r,2
Page 6 A Physical Interpretation of Difference Variances V.S. Reinhardt A Simpler Approach – The Zero Degree of Freedom (N=M) Approximation for r,M 2 Can use fact that r,M 2 rel insensitive to # points to simplify calculation of r,M 2 Can use fact that r,M 2 rel insensitive to # points to simplify calculation of r,M 2 Zero degree of freedom solution (N=M) Zero degree of freedom solution (N=M) M+1 x n (n = 0 to M) spaced by over T Calc A from only M points (exclude n=p) Can solve for r,M 2 at n=p without actually calculating x a,M (A,t) Generalization of Newton’s Forward Difference Formula Physical interpretation of x,M ( ) 2 Approximate measure of r,M 2 for any # of points in LSQF Rationale for choosing M in x,M ( ) 2 Match to M in x a,M (t,A) when poly aging removal specified in problem When poly aging not specified Match x,M ( ) 2 to lowest order x a,M (t,A) that fits actual aging over T (Occam’s razor) x r,M (t o +p ) = ( ) M x(t o )/C(M, p) r,M 2 (t o +p ) = M x,M 2 ( )/C(M,p) 2 xMxM x a,M x0x0 T = M xpxp x r,M x n x(t o + n ) n = 0 to M
Page 7 A Physical Interpretation of Difference Variances V.S. Reinhardt Interpreting x,M 2 as a Measure of Residual Error After Aging Removal FSCS2007 figs.doc 9” width x r,1 = ( ) 1 x 0 x0x0 x1x1 xaxa xrxr x r,0 = ( ) 0 x 0 x 0 - 0 th order aging (time offset) removal 1 st order aging (time & freq offset) removal r,1 2 = TIErms 2 r,0 2 = Standard No removal r,2 2 = 0.5 2 y 2 ( ) x r,2 = 0.5 ( ) 2 x 0 x0x0 x1x1 x2x2 xaxa p 0.5M for min r,M 2 x0x0 xrxr
Page 8 A Physical Interpretation of Difference Variances V.S. Reinhardt Can Extend the Definition to Finite Sample Statistics Overlapping statistic (N , finite data length T d = Ndt > M ) Overlapping statistic (N , finite data length T d = Ndt > M ) Modified statistic Modified statistic Can write similar equation for total statistic Can write similar equation for total statistic These are statistics of r,M 2 when x a,M (A,t) fit to data over T (not over T d ) Implicit solution for A changes as t (t o t) is slid over T d - M Aging model needs only be valid representation over T (not T d ) Finite time average of M -1 [ ( ) M x(t)] 2 x(t) = time average over Solution for A changes with t xMxM x a,M x0x0 T = M xpxp x r,M tt+T
Page 9 A Physical Interpretation of Difference Variances V.S. Reinhardt Spectral Properties of x,M 2 Can write spectral integral for x,M 2 as Can write spectral integral for x,M 2 as L x (f) = SSB PSD of x(t) K x,M (f) = x-kernel for x,M 2 |H s (f)| 2 = System response function (See FCS 2006 paper) |H s (f)| 2 = System response function (See FCS 2006 paper) Spectral properties specific to system under consideration Have shown H s (f) often has k th order zero at f=0 Aids in the convergence of low order x,M 2 for neg- noise for f<<1 Well-known property of x,M 2 kernels K x,M (f) f 2M for f<<1 Well-known property of x,M 2 kernels x-kernels of statistics have same f 1 Statistic of x,0 2 (sample variance) is special case because of Removing x a,M (t,A) from x(t) causes residual noise to be HP filtered!! Removing x a,M (t,A) from x(t) causes residual noise to be HP filtered!! Consequence of interpretation of x,M 2 as approx measure of r,M 2 Can interpret x a,M (t,A) as information removed from x(t) as well as aging Thus removing information from x(t) by fitting to data causes residual noise to be HP filtered |H s (f)| 2 Replaces f h
Page 10 A Physical Interpretation of Difference Variances V.S. Reinhardt Summary of Consequences of Interpretation of x,M 2 as measure of r,M 2 Removing aging or information from data turns a seeming standard variance into a higher order variance Removing aging or information from data turns a seeming standard variance into a higher order variance Removing x a,M (t,A) from data acts as a highpass filter on the noise HP filtering order depends on complexity of info extracted (as measured by poly order) Based on assumption that x-kernel of general r,M 2 will have same f 2M behavior for f<<1 Need to investigate behavior of exact x-kernels of r,M 2 further Order of x,M 2 should match order of x a,M (t,A) that is specified by problem or most appropriately fits the data over T Order of x,M 2 should match order of x a,M (t,A) that is specified by problem or most appropriately fits the data over T Aging will contaminate x,M 2 if x a,M (t,A) doesn’t properly represent the actual aging over T Explains sensitivity of Allan based variances to freq drift and insensitivity of Hadamard based variances Should not arbitrarily change the order of x,M 2 to avoid a divergence problem due to neg- noise Should not arbitrarily change the order of x,M 2 to avoid a divergence problem due to neg- noise Order defined by spec or by best match to actual aging behavior over T Not free to change without changing problem addressed Must find other ways of dealing with such divergences
Page 11 A Physical Interpretation of Difference Variances V.S. Reinhardt Dealing with Divergences when Neg- Noise is Present Well-known that x,0 2 & x,1 2 can diverge for neg- noise Well-known that x,0 2 & x,1 2 can diverge for neg- noise It has been argued that these variances should not be used But x,0 2 & x,1 2 measure r,M 2 for no aging & time-offset removal Cannot change these variances (if want x,M 2 to be a measure of r,M 2 ) without changing system spec or problem statement Example: Coherent synthesizer Freq offset error is a problem x,2 2 not appropriate because takes out ave freq error over T Will show such divergences indicate real design, spec, or analysis problems in presence of neg- noise Will show such divergences indicate real design, spec, or analysis problems in presence of neg- noise Appropriate response is to fix these problems–not to arbitrarily change the variance Will discuss examples of how to deal with divergences Will discuss examples of how to deal with divergences Non-essential divergence—Requires only analysis change Didn’t use correct H s (f) (or only f h ) or wrong variance for problem Essential divergence—Requires design or spec change Design change: Change hardware change H S (f) Spec change: Change problem to be addressed and/or add side conditions
Page 12 A Physical Interpretation of Difference Variances V.S. Reinhardt An Essential Divergence 1 st order PLL with f -3 Noise Standard variance x,0 2 diverges in linear PLL model Standard variance x,0 2 diverges in linear PLL model 1 st order PLL: |H s (f)| 2 f 2 (f<<1) K x,0 (f) = 1 |H s (f)| 2 K x,0 (f)L x (f) f -1 (f<<1) Divergence is indicator of a physical problem Divergence is indicator of a physical problem Divergence in linear model indicator of cycle slips in actual PLL Arbitrarily changing order of variance doesn’t fix cycle slip problem Change design to 2 nd order PLL Change design to 2 nd order PLL Eliminates cycle slips |H s (f)| 2 f 4 (f<<1) System changed not variance Allow slips (don’t change design) but change spec Allow slips (don’t change design) but change spec Specify mean time to cycle slip Specify that variance be evaluated using sample variance over finite T excluding data containing cycle slips Sample variance has x-kernel f 2 (f<<1) for finite T Variance change based on spec change Sample Variance -detector x or Cycle Slips
Page 13 A Physical Interpretation of Difference Variances V.S. Reinhardt A Non-Essential Divergence Radar or Ranging System with f -3 Noise Characterized by “delay” system response |H s (f)| 2 f 2 (f<<1) Characterized by “delay” system response |H s (f)| 2 f 2 (f<<1) ,o 2 often used to specify -error residual But ,o 2 diverges for f -3 noise Heuristic radar solution: Use BP variance Heuristic radar solution: Use BP variance T c = Coherent data processing interval for extracting radar information No rigorous justification for using ,bp 2 Rigorous solution: Proper error measure is sample variance over T d (not standard variance) Rigorous solution: Proper error measure is sample variance over T d (not standard variance) Higher order variance if more than just one parameter (a 0 ) is extracted from data x-kernel f 2 or greater so no divergence problem for correct variance Problem was that incorrect variance was used ~ Coherent Radar x D dd (t) (t- d ) Process
Page 14 A Physical Interpretation of Difference Variances V.S. Reinhardt Summary and Conclusions x,M 2 can be interpreted as an approximate measure of r,M 2 when a poly is removed from data x,M 2 can be interpreted as an approximate measure of r,M 2 when a poly is removed from data x,M 2 should be matched to x a,M (t,A) removed from the data Extracting information from data HP filters the residual noise Extracting information from data HP filters the residual noise Based on assumption that f<<1 behavior of r,M 2 same as x,M 2 Need to investigate exact properties of r,M 2 kernels further One type of variance is not appropriate for all problems One type of variance is not appropriate for all problems One should not arbitrarily change a variance order simply to avoid a divergence due to neg- noise One should not arbitrarily change a variance order simply to avoid a divergence due to neg- noise There must be a rationale behind any variance change A divergence is a signal to fix a real design, spec, & analysis problem A divergence is a signal to fix a real design, spec, & analysis problem May be essential or non-essential divergence Paper results can also be applied to variances of (t) & y(t) Paper results can also be applied to variances of (t) & y(t) Would like to acknowledge JPL time & frequency section for serving as sounding board and for making several suggestions that improved this paper Would like to acknowledge JPL time & frequency section for serving as sounding board and for making several suggestions that improved this paper
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