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PM Event Detection from Time Series Contributed by the FASNET Community, Sep. 2004 Correspondence to R Husar, R PoirotR Husar, R Poirot Coordination Support.

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Presentation on theme: "PM Event Detection from Time Series Contributed by the FASNET Community, Sep. 2004 Correspondence to R Husar, R PoirotR Husar, R Poirot Coordination Support."— Presentation transcript:

1 PM Event Detection from Time Series Contributed by the FASNET Community, Sep. 2004 Correspondence to R Husar, R PoirotR Husar, R Poirot Coordination Support by Inter-RPO WG Fast Aerosol Sensing Tools for Natural Event Tracking, FASTNET NSF Collaboration Support for Aerosol Event Analysis NASA REASON Coop EPA -OAQPS Event : Deviation > x*percentile

2 Temporal Analysis The time series for typical monitoring data are ‘messy’; the signal variation occurs at various scales and the time pattern at each scale is different Inherently, aerosol events are spikes in the time series of monitoring data but extracting the spikes from the noisy data is a challenging endeavor The temporal signal can be meaningfully decomposed into a 1.Seasonal component with stable periodic pattern 2.Random variation with ‘white noise’ pattern 3.Spikes or events that are more random in frequency and magnitude Each signal component is caused by different combination of the key processes: emission, transport, transformations and removal Typical time series of daily AIRNOW PM25 over the Northeastern US

3 Temporal Signal Decomposition and Event Detection First, the median and average is obtained over a region for each hour/day (thin blue line) Next, the data are temporally smoothed by a 30 day moving window (spatial median - red line; spatial mean – heavy blue line). These determine the seasonal pattern. EUS Daily Average 50%-ile, 30 day 50%-ile smoothing Deviation from %-ile Event : Deviation > x*percentile Median Seasonal Conc. Mean Seasonal Conc. Average Median Finally, the hourly/daily deviation from the the smooth median is used to determine the noise (blue) and event (red) components

4 Seasonal PM25 by Region The 30-day smoothing average shows the seasonality by region The Feb/Mar PM25 peak is evident for the Northeast, Great Lakes and Great Plains This secondary peak is absent in the South and West

5 Northeast – Southeast Comparison Northeast and Southeast differ in the pattern of seasonal and event variation Northeast has two seasonal peaks and more events–values well above the median Southeast peaks in September and has few values much above the noise Northeast Southeast

6 Causes of Temporal Variation by Region The temporal signal variation is decomposable into seasonal, meteorological noise and events Assuming statistical independence, the three components are additive: V 2 Total = V 2 Season + V 2 MetNoise + V 2 Event The signal components have been determined for each region to assess the differences Northeast exhibits the largest coeff. variation (56%); seasonal, noise and events each at 30% Southeast is the least variable region (35%), with virtually no contribution from events Southwest, Northwest, S. Cal. and Great Lakes/Plains show 40-50% coeff. variation mostly, due to seasonal and meteorological noise. Interestingly, the noise is about 30% in all regions, while the events vary much more, 5-30%

7 ‘Composition’ of Eastern US Events The bar-graph shows the various combinations of species- events that produce Reconstructed Fine Mass (RCFM) events ‘Composition’ is defined in terms of co-occurrence of multi- species events (not by average mass composition) The largest EUS RCFM events are simultaneously ‘events’ (spikes) in sulfate, organics and soil! Some EUS RCFM events are events in single species, e.g. 7- Jul-97 (OC), 21-Jun-97 (Soil) Based on VIEWS data

8 Northeast

9 Great Lakes

10 Great Lakes-Plains

11 Northeast

12 Great Plains

13 NorthWest

14 S. California

15 Southeast

16 Southwest

17 Event Definition: Time Series Approach Eastern US aggregate time series

18 Sulfate EUS Daily Average 50%-ile, 30 day 50%-ile smoothing Deviation from %-ile Event – Deviation > percentile value Median Seasonal Conc. Mean Seasonal Conc.

19 Reconstructed Fine Mass RCFM

20 Organic Carbon

21 Eelemental Carbon


23 Nitrate

24 Temporal Pattern Regional Speciated Analysis - VIEWS Aerosol species time series: –ammSO4f –OCf –ECf –SOILf –ammNO3f –RCFM Regions of Aggregation

25 Dust Seasonal + spikes East – west events are independent East events occur several times a year, mostly in summer West events are lest frequent, mostly in spring US West East

26 Dust asgasgasfg Northeast Southwest Southeast

27 Dust dfjdjdfjetyj Northwest S. California Great Plaines

28 Amm. Sulfate wdthehreherh US West East

29 Amm. Sulfate stheherheyju Northeast Southwest Southeast

30 Amm. Sulfate shheherh Northwest S. California Great Plaines

31 Organic Carbon sdhdfhefheryj US West East

32 Organic Carbon sdheherh Northeast Southwest Southeast

33 Organic Carbon erheryeyj Northwest S. California Great Plaines

34 Reconstructe d Fine Mass estrhertheryu US West East

35 Reconstructe d Fine Mass werty3rueru Northeast Southwest Southeast

36 Reconstructe d Fine Mass wthwrthwerhtr Northwest S. California Great Plaines

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