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Early Years Foundation Stage

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1 Early Years Foundation Stage
EYFS Early Years Foundation Stage

2 Merefield School Encounter and Discover Curriculum Age 3-7 years
Incorporates EYFS guidance using Development Matters/Quest targets which are reflected upon the developmental steps of progress expected for individual pupils.

3 Our Vision for Merefield states that….
“Together we are building a progressive, beacon learning community with an outstanding holistic curriculum centred on the needs of each individual child”

4 Aims of the EYFS at Merefield
We aim to support each child’s holistic development in order to enable them to develop to their full potential by: Recognising that all children are unique. Understanding that children develop in individual ways at varying rates- physically, cognitively, linguistically, socially and emotionally. Providing a safe, secure and caring environment where children feel happy and know that they are valued. Fostering and nurturing children’s self-confidence and self-esteem through their developing awareness of their own identity. Teaching them to express and communicate their needs and feelings in appropriate ways using augmentative and alternative communication where needed. Encouraging children’s independence and decision making, supporting them to learn through their mistakes. Developing children’s understanding of social skills and the values and codes of behavior required for people to work together harmoniously. Supporting children to develop care, respect and appreciation for others, including those with beliefs, cultures and opinions differ to their own. Understanding the importance of play in children’s learning and development. Providing learning experiences in play which reflects personal interest and areas of curiosity in order to encourage and develop their natural desire, interest, excitement and motivation to learn. Providing experiences which build on children’s existing knowledge and understanding in order to challenge, stimulate and extend their learning and development Providing effective learning opportunities in a range of environments, inside and outside.

5 Planning In the early years we focus on the key skills of communication, cognition, physical development and self-care and independence and this is informed by a developmental perspective. Personalised Learning Intention Maps (PLIM) are written each term targets are taken from multi agency reports, teacher & parents views, developmental assessment and holistic needs. Class timetables are constructed around the principle that every moment of the school day is a learning opportunity. Each aspect of school life is a planned learning experience and linked to personalised holistic targets from their PLIM. A copy of your child’s PLIM & weekly timetable will be in the home/school diary

6 Areas of learning Merefield school encourages the pupils to ‘Encounter and Discover’ This developmental curriculum plays a diagnostic role in establishing which of the Merefield Curricula the child will begin in year 3, e.g. Informal or Semi-Formal Curriculum. The 7 areas of learning from the EYFS are Prime areas: Personal, Social & Emotional Development Physical Development Communication and language Specific Areas (when pupils are developmentally ready) Literacy Mathematics Expressive Arts & Design Understanding the World

7 Key Person Role A small class team ensures continuity and an indepth knowledge of each pupil and their unique personality Ensures learning and individual needs are catered for Supports needs of parents of children in their care Refers parents to specialist support if needed e.g. occupational or speech therapy

8 Observations by Staff Self initiated play
Adult led & adult directed play Judgements are made Next Steps are planned around interests and development needs

9 Classroom Organisation
Continuous Provision AREAS offered- please be aware depending on pupils sensory needs/barriers to learning areas of provision may not always be out however a balance of experiences will be planned for throughout the week Focussed Activities which help pupils achieve their PLIM target Enhanced Provision related to pupil interests and schema for learning and topic Plans show the planned learning for indoors and outdoors

10 Foundation Stage Profile
Summative assessment completed at the end of the Reception year EYFS profile. Completed through ongoing observations throughout the year Shared with parents

11 Your child’s progress Home/School diary Newsletter Praise Postcard
End of year report/annual review report Learning Journey

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